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As a follow-on from this thread I'm starting a new topic on BECTU here to prevent (mainly me) from hijacking lxdeptnz thread.


I personally support the union, find it's cheap Public Liability License a blessing and will stick up for them. However, I do have issues with it's political fund and, in my humble opinion, I believe them to be spreading themselves too thin to properly function.


I open this to the floor.


Keep it libel free, please ...

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Contrary to other things I have said on the other thread, I joined the union for my own reasons (one of which is the possibility of cheap insurance, which I do not currently need being a permanent staff in a venue) and also for the assistance it can offer in an employment dispute.

I am, as another person said, a silent union member, in so much as it is not something I, in my venue, am proud to be, and in union meetings find it easier to abstain from a vote as I am the only member liable to vote the ways I am.

The problem where I work is that the union reps seem to be in the union, and in the job, to get what they can out of it whilst doing and caring as little as possible. I would say more TeeJay but could Identify myself too easily, but the union movment in my venue is a little too 'militant' for my liking, which is why I question my motives in joining. I joined when I started at the venue and my form was filled in with the union rep standing over my shoulder, in a way in which I felt pressured.

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However, I do have issues with it's political fund and, in my humble opinion, I believe them to be spreading themselves too thin to properly function.

So your opinion on the judgement in favour of BECTU (against the UK Government) on this issue of accruing annual leave is what?

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Dear Lord! I've just read the lxdepz thread... are there that many of Thatcher's Children out there?! I Guess I'm one really as I grew up in the eighties but to question whether a Union is a bad thing for the workers?!!!?? People have fought for centuries to get a proper representation for those without Voices. I'm not a Trot... far from it... I think only of Ice Picks when offered Socialist Worker! But even I can see that the right to belong to something as important and emancipating as a Union (and, indeed the right to opt out of being in one) is a basic



It is perhaps an example of the bad PR of BECTU that they cause people to consider them unrepresentative of their core membership (us!) And I appreciate what you mean about those small 'p' politicians who seem to be in it only for them selves, christ knows we've all met 'em (or at least read about them in the trade papers! :) ) But they represent a tiny minority. Being the most vocal however they are the ones we hear so maybe BECTU needs to show us some of the people that do work selflessly for the betterment of their workplace and their colleagues... they DO exist and they are Legion compared to the loud mouths.


In Closing;


Apt that the question should come from an antipodean as the Tolpuddle Martyrs, six men, having joined the GNCTU, were accused and found guilty in a show trial of 'administering illegal oaths'. They were transported to Australia in 1834...


Thank goodness for more enlightened times...

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I have to say I agree entirely with LaGH.


It's your union, if you're not happy with what it's doing then get involved and have your say. A case in point is the political fund which has recently been subject to a debate and a democratic vote.


Of course you should not feel obliged to join the union, just as you should not feel in any way discriminated against if you do. But remember, regardless of whether you are in or out, and whether you are working on a BECTU (or Equity for that matter) contract or not, you still benefit from the results of their wage negotiations. It may be slow to take effect but as collectively bargained rates go up there is an inevitable trickle down effect on the rest of the industry.


Don't think for one moment that Thatcher abolished the closed shop as a benevolent act in order to increase workers rights.


The right to join a union, like the right to vote, was fought for long and hard. You're not obliged to take them up but if you choose not to it should be a conscious decision rather than just out of apathy or ignorance. In the words of the great Geddy Lee - "If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice". :)

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Looking back through this thread, I realise that mis-spoke my views.

I do not have an issue with the political fund, it's the affiliation to Labour that I have a problem with. I do understand why it's there and I can appreciate it, it doesn't mean though that I have to like it, or to have my own dues headed towards them.


I'm still not certain about the strength of BECTU as a whole, but it did occur to me that UNISON, for example, is a much larger union with a more varied workforce membership so I will be pondering that one for a while.


I am not for a moment suggesting that we don't need a union but perhaps as LaGH mentioned, there has been some bad PR in the past. Certainly I will continue to support BECTU as I continue working in this biz, though I may not necessary always agree with them

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So, in respect of what has been said, which union would anybody recommend from a technical point of view. I have heard that some are better than other for insurance purposes but which ones? I was thinking of joining equity as most people recommend them but they are mostly actors' comments that I've had.


Any comments grateful <_<




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Equity aren't a technicians' union - if you're an actor or designer then they're your boys, but not for a technician. BECTU is usually the one to go for - unless you work in a council-run venue which has recognition from Unison.
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Equity aren't a technicians' union - if you're an actor or designer then they're your boys, but not for a technician. BECTU is usually the one to go for - unless you work in a council-run venue which has recognition from Unison.


Equity also represent Stage Management. (Though I use the term "represent" loosely).


Seriously though, if you are working as a Stage Manager on a show (as opposed to a venue stage manager) you should be on an Equity contact or at least something based around one.

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Damnit! This is the problem-I do both! I suppose, though, for the moment there is generally someone else around i.e.a technical manager of a venue should things go wrong. Maybe equity would be best. They should have one called "becuity" for those that have their fingers in as many pies as possible :D
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