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Blinders? (are they?)


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Good Evening Folks!


I was watching Britains Got Talent the other week, and this performance really caught my eye:


The lads are stood on what appear to be perspex risers, with some form of pixel mapped "blinder" underneath.

 I saw a similar effect on Radio 1s Big Weekend:



What are these "blinders"? They look great, I really like the way that the warm glow of them mixes with the white discharge fixtures.


Could somebody please tell me what these things are actually called. I keep referring to them as pixel-mapped blinders, but I'm not sure thats correct.




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I believe that the BGT video, the 'blinders' you refer too is a pile off sun strips.


However on the Big weekend stage they are a brilliant fixture made by a french company called 'Jareg's' (The fixture itself that is), the company is cromlech. They aren't the steadiest of things though from my experience so you have to be careful with them! However the effect they give is brilliant as you can tell from the Big weekend video!


Remember that technically you can pixel map anything... I've seen photo's of a band with pixel mapped Par 64's! Just a load of pre-rip truss flown vertically! It's just that fixtures like the sun strip and jareg are designed to be mapped and such have dimmer's built in and they are a fixture opposed too 10 dimmers (for the pixeline, 25 dimmers for the jareg).


Hope thats of some help, I may be incorrect about the designed to be pixel mapped btw, I'm not really a lampie! Would be great if someone could confirm that?



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It's just that fixtures like the sun strip and jareg are designed to be mapped and such have dimmer's built in and they are a fixture opposed too 10 dimmers


Worth noting for future reference of course is that on all of the top end consoles, you are probably going to be patching them as 10 dimmers or whatever so that you can maximise their possibilities with the effects engines.





I'm sure it's only a finger slip, but that should be pre-rig for any of the next genners that are googling and wondering about the results ;)





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Wow! I really should have proof-read that before I posted! The fixtures themselves are 'Jarag's' made by the company 'Chromlech'.


I do actually think HSL have them! I know the October Chase & Status tour brought a hand full of them through and I think that it was an HSL gig. Give them a ring and ask?


And ahh okay Smiffy, didn't realise that! It makes sense I guess though! And yes it was a finger slip, did mean to type pre-RIG.





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