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QSC or Yamaha active speakers


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I am looking for new active PA speakers and after carefully scouring the web and sounding them out at local stores I have narrowed it down to a choice between the QSC K12 or the Yamaha DSR 112, both similar in performance, size, weight and price..................question is which is the better option?

Anyone with any first hand experience of either or both of these?


Any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated in helping me make the choice



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I was on a show last autumn using a pair of K10s and I was very impressed with them. Which isn't easy. So the K12s must be better by at least 20%.




So that's one vote each which hasn't really helped you decide :)

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Like everything else, it depends on the application and what's best for you and what you wish to use these cabs for,


the new QSC cab has stronger bass response which may be important if you don't use subs or dont plan on using them, and it has some nice mixer features on the module that allow you to plug in almost any source and mix mic and line signals. I have had a listen to some of the k12's with the 1k KSub sounded PHENOMENAL for the size, weight and cost. so theres my vote for the K12's :D




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Hi, thanks for the replies.

No, I don't want to carry any sub bass cabs around, so am I right in thinking the Yamaha's would give much more bottom end, them being a wooden cabinet? (you can never crank them up in a shop for a fair comparison)

Also, thanks for the info., I looked at the QSC KW112's (same spec/wooden box) on the web., but the price skyrockets out of my budget!



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... so am I right in thinking the Yamaha's would give much more bottom end, them being a wooden cabinet?

Not necessarily. You'll need to compare the specs to make that comparison.

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I'm edging towards the QSC's, but hope I can get some final help and advice with a couple of other questions.


1. What is the difference between frequency range and frequency response.


Frequency Range:.....QSC's 48Hz - 20kHz / Yamaha's 55Hz - 20kHz


Frequency Response:.......QSC's 52Hz - 18kHz / Yamaha's 60Hz - 18kHz


2. Do the above figures mean the QSC's will handle wider lower frequencies the better of the two?

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Without some more data to qualify those figures, where the -3dB points are for example, the figures are completely meaningless marketing drivel.


Thanks!;) there are pages and pages of "marketing drivel" and that comment doesn't really help me make an informed choice.

I have listened to both units, but unfortunately, not side by side. I'm a musician, not an electronics/sound technician and can honestly say they both sounded good; I am merely looking for 1st hand opinions on both.


Going on the specs, size, & weight comparison and from what I've read on forums, I'm going to go with the QSC's, unless someone comes and posts last minute crying "don't do it"!!


Cheers guys.............thanks for your input.

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