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pay on short notice call in a main job


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Hi All

I wonder if you can help me with this


I work in a multi pourpose venue and this week I've been off on annual leave and im due to return from annual leave Next Tuesday.


I went into work to do a favour for a friend to let him in to drop off stuff as his weddings reception is on there tomorrow. Now the thing is when I got there the cleaners had finished till sunday and werent due in tomorrow to do any cleaning and the venue was absolutely Stinking. They'd put the tables and chairs out but not as many as were asked and they didnt clean the venue. When I tried to contact them to twll them they must come back in one of them there was no answer to and the other answered the phone and the reply was 'not by problem im back in on sunday bye' to whitch I thought right im gonna have to sort this out so I did everything I could to tidy the venue up and get the correct ammount of tables and chairs out, and taking its supposed to be my day off on A/L I was not ammused and if I hadnt have gone in the venue would have been totally messed up.


The Question is do you think its too mutch to ask of me to ask the manager to:


1. Have My Annual Leave day back as I worked like 5 hours


2. Be Payed double time so it'll be £8.50 x 2 = £17 a hour


What do you all think.



Is there anything else that I should be asking / saying


the managers usual response is


if you'd have made sure the staff knew what they were doing they wouldnt have contacted you so mutch and the place would have been tiday


Any advice would be mutch apreciated

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TBH I would say you are fighting a losing battle as you went in on your own time and you chose to do the work. I suspect your manager will just point out that you were on leave and shouldn't have been working.


So in doing a favour for your mate you've loast a days leave... ah well it was probably better than day time TV.

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Best I would hope for is to get a half day off at some time in the future. But my suspicion is that you'll be lucky to get that - after all you were there to do a favour for your mate not to confirm that the venue was ready.
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even though if I hadnt have gone in the manager would have said I should have gone in to check anyway


if I hadnt have stayed on and done the work my mate would have complained and I would have had the stick anyway


do I have to put in anual leave if im already over my contracted hours as im 18 hrs over my contracted hours with 3 days a/l put in

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If you worked the day then it's not a day's leave - book it as a day worked. If it was a day which would ordinarily have attracted premium payments (double time, etc.) then you should submit it as such on your timesheet. However, if the day would ordinarily have only been core hours, then that's what you should book it as, not as any sort of enhanced rate.


Whether you were scheduled to be there or not, you popped in for whatever reason and happened to notice that things which should've been done hadn't been. What were you supposed to do - ignore it? I'm sure that wouldn't have gone down very well. You acted on initiative and attempted to get it sorted - the fact that the people who apparently should've sorted it in the first place weren't interested in doing what they should've done isn't your fault, and you went above and beyond the call of duty to make sure that the upcoming event had the facilities it needed. Your management should see that.

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Are you still in Ystrad, Carwyn? If so then I doubt very much if they can afford to pay anything extra but might give T.O.I.L.


If you are on leave then the management has no right to expect you to "check anyway", your mate has every right to complain to them about things being unprepared but they have no justification for laying the blame anywhere other than the cleaners.


The crux of the matter is that you went in to do a favour for a mate which became a much bigger favour as you did not want to let him down or take his flak due to your association with a "stinking" venue. This is one of the minor drawbacks of working in what is a vocational industry, most of us go the extra mile to get the show going and the bureaucrats know this and make use of it.

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Hey Guys

another question I get the point on the last couple of questions and thanks for that.

would you tolerate someone telling all staff that if they have any problems to phone carwyn to sort it out even though hesometimes is on a/l or has is day off and as a result of these phone calls having to go in and sort things out in person.


Thanks in advance

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would you tolerate someone telling all staff that if they have any problems to phone carwyn to sort it out even though hesometimes is on a/l or has is day off and as a result of these phone calls having to go in and sort things out in person.


Thanks in advance


Nope, at least certainly not on annual leave, and probably not on a day off either. If anyone phoned me up on annual leave, firstly I probably wouldn't answer the phone (assuming I knew who was calling!) and even if I did, would be saying "sorry, I'm on leave, can't help." I might help over the phone if that was possible, but there's no way I'd be going in.

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From the employers perspective, you did a days work, and got them out of trouble. Most reasonable employers would simply give you a day off in the future. Even an unreasonable one would have to admit you had actually worked, and it would be hard to find a valid reason for not paying you or doing it as TOIL. If you helped them out and they're going to be this awkward, then simply don't do it again, and look for a job somewhere where they might value you better.


What worries me is that you are asking us here - have you actually asked them and they've said tough?


You seem to have responsibility enough to call the cleaners - why didn't you call your boss at the time and ask if they'd like you to sort it - if you knew they are stingy?

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idid call the boss but he will not answer the phone to any number related to work and if he did answer it his response will probably be sort it out then. and the lst time something like this happened they refused to give my annual leave back, and when I asked for a reason their reply was do we have to give you a reason then


And the other thing is im currently looking for a new job so if anyone knows of any vacancies for a technician / projectionist anywhere feel free to get in contact

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If it's the case that you're not paid to be on call at all times of the day, your management won't answer work related calls and won't refund your annual leave when you go in and do a reasonable day's work to get them out of a hole just switch off, or ignore, your phone outside work hours.


just my 2p

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would you tolerate someone telling all staff that if they have any problems to phone carwyn to sort it out even though hesometimes is on a/l or has is day off and as a result of these phone calls having to go in and sort things out in person.


idid call the boss but he will not answer the phone to any number related to work and if he did answer it his response will probably be sort it out then


I think youv'e answered your own question!

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Unfortunately you have decided to go in on your day off, they have not asked you to go in you have decided you want to to help out a friend who is not connected to the venue other then renting it for a future event. To be honest most venues will simply say if he has an even there tomorrow he has no right to "drop things off" today especially if not arranged with the venue staff through official channels (i.e. not a call to a mate who works there).


While there when you were not meant to be (and again this was your choice) you decided to do some work and are now saying you want to be paid for it without anyone asking you to do the work or anyone authorising you to do it.


On another note what if the management now claim you have damaged something there, from their point of view you have let yourself in when you are not meant to be there without asking permission. Just because you have keys to a venue does not give you the right to let yourself in when you want and there are many cases like this up and down the country in offices etc where people end up in disciplinary cases and many where the management will use it as a reason to let someone go especially if someone then claims they cant find something or something is broken.


If you are injured when you have let yourself in when not meant to be there you may well also find that the insurance is not valid. Oh and H&S regs also come into play if you have gone in on your own with regards to being there alone as most councils wont allow it in case something goes wrong.


Ultimately this comes down to if you are not meant to be there then don't go in.


As for the calls when you are not on duty, first talk to your boss, ask them if you are expected to take these calls and how they would like you to charge for the time on the calls... You may well find they backtrack when you ask who to send the invoice to. If they are not willing to pay you for the time and continue to give out your number ask them to stop, tell them it is your private number and that you do nto consent to them giving it out as it is your personal information. Your employer is not allowed to give it out unless legally compelled to do so (police etc) or it is to another person within the company for legitimate reasons (HR etc). If this still carries on its simple either don't answer or answer and just say that you are not on duty and ask them not to call you again.


It's horrible to lose a days holiday but put it down to experience and don't go in next time, the phone thing is a bit more difficult but good luck.



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