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Need help pricing my work

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I need advice with pricing up some potential work.


I have responded to a advertisement whereby a theatre company are looking for someone to design and craft a lifesize (6 foot) crucifix and a fish mask (to be worn by an actor). They have come back to me, asking to price up what my work would cost.


This is where I need your help, this is the first time I've ever had to price my work? At the same time I don't want to over-price my work and scare the theatre company away.


I would really appreciate it if anyone could advise me of realistic prices I should quote. Or point me out to somewhere where I can get more information.


The project would take me roughly 60 working hours to complete.


Thank you.

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This depends to some extent on who the client is - if you're making it for Cameron Mackintosh for a 5 year world tour their expectations as to the cost will be much higher than if you're making it for the local TiE troup.


Personally I'd go with (Number of work hours x your hourly rate*) + material cost + 20% = the bill


*hourly rate needs to reflect your true costs and should incorporate not just your physical time but also the costs related to the place you're working in, the tools you're using, etc. As an example a fairly lowly office junior who's on "minimum wage" has a true hourly cost of around £17 when you factor in the related costs (rental on the office, buying & maintaining computer/telephone, NI, Insurance, Consumables, Breaks, Sick-Pay)






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This isn't really something we can help you with. There are too many variables to consider.


Without knowing exactly what materials you want to use and the processes with which you intend to achieve your design there is nothing to go on. Even if you could provide us with more details, it would be impossible for anyone to put a price on your work. I'm afraid that you are the only one who can do that.


The best way to formulate a quote is to really have a think about the cost of the materials you need, price them up and then add a fee for yourself. A good (but cheeky) tip is to quote for a little more than you actually need for the project. If they say yes, then great. If they say no then you can adjust your quote and be seen to be accomodating. Be careful though, this won't always work. Especially if there are other people competing for the commission.

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My rates would vary from £1200 to £6000 for a 60 hour job but then I have read and complied with BR T's and C's which say;

"Please ensure all the information contained within your Blue Room profile

is correct and up to date. Specifically, your name, geographical location and

year of birth are mandatory in order to verify your identity, these details

are visible to members and guests. Failure to provide the mandatory profile

information, or misrepresentation via misleading information in your profile,

may lead to suspension or removal of your account."


Getting self-employed business people to explain their rate setting when you could be HMRC, an employer or even Tony Soprano is just begging for some odd responses.

Babius Plattypus indeed!

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