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KAM LED cans and MAGIC Q problems


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using magic q with some KAM led cans. Created my own personality using the DMX chart in the manual as I couldnt find a correct one onboard.

patched 8 cans, recorded groups All Cans - all 8, Odds - 1,3,5,7 and Evens - 2,4,6,8.

everything was working correctly so I started to programme.


Full colours - all 8 cans doing the same thing - red,blue,magenta etc etc in a cue stack. That worked flawlessly.


split colours - odds doing one thing say red for example, evens doing another - blue for example. This didnt work so well. If this split colour stack was triggered after using one of the full colours in the other stack, the colours would be different to the ones I programmed. This issue was cured after using a blackout cue (all levels at zero) that I programmed myself because I wanted it to be on a cue stack.


any ideas to what this could have been? im fairly sure I checked all the LTP/HTP settings,it was just strange that all of my other programming was correct. I made the usuall checks - making sure the programmer was cleared etc.




also on the topic of magic q, when firing playbacks using keyboard shorcuts, is there a keyborard shortcut to release a stack?


thanks in advanced

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is the full colour stack still active when you activate a split colour stack? Also when you deactivate a stack do the cans go off or do you need to black them out manually? if so it suggests to me that your R G B channels are set to HTP when they should be LTP.
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the full colour stacks are still active (not released) when changing to the split colours. (hence asking for a button press to release stacks)...


I have had a look into the personality I created and it is as follows.


1) Dimmer - HTP ATRIBUTE - DIM

2) Red - LTP - COLOUR 1

3) Green - LTP - COLOUR 2

4) Blue - LTP - COLOUR 3


Locate for all channels is 255

default is 000

highlight is 255

lowlight is 128



Dimmer 000 to 127 strobe

dimmer 128 to 255 dimmer



its probly worth noteing that sometimes (all possibly all the time) when programming, the clear button doesnt return things to off with no colour when it (I think) should?

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its probly worth noteing that sometimes (all possibly all the time) when programming, the clear button doesnt return things to off with no colour when it (I think) should?

The clear button only clears what's in the programmer,not any active stacks.If you triple hit the S above the relevant cue stack it should bring up various options for that cue stack/fader/flash button,maybe "fader releases stack" is set to no,or something similar.


The "rel" button will release any selected stack

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its probly worth noteing that sometimes (all possibly all the time) when programming, the clear button doesnt return things to off with no colour when it (I think) should?

The clear button only clears what's in the programmer,not any active stacks.If you triple hit the S above the relevant cue stack it should bring up various options for that cue stack/fader/flash button,maybe "fader releases stack" is set to no,or something similar


bare in mind that im using just a computer keyboard at the moment, releasing stacks by fader with the mouse is a PITA. but potentially could be part of the problem?

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when you recorded the colours in the stack did you make sure you adjusted all the colour channels to the correct value. For example to get red did you set red to 255 and blue and green to 000? or did you start with the fixture off and just adjust the red channel to 255 not touching the blue and green channels? if it was the latter there would be no information for blue and green stored in the stack therefore if you had a stack activated which was green and then activated the red stack because the red stack has no information for the green channel the green channel would remain at the last value sent by the green stack so you would end up with both red and green on giving you yellow.
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