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Pan and Tilt limited in MA3D


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Hi Guys:


I'm pre-programming some bits on MA3D with the MA1 OnPc Simulator. I have a problem.


The Robe Robin 300 Beams, with a fixture profile downloaded from the Robe Website, are only tilting to 60Degs each side of 0 (straight down). I've had a cursory glance in the Fixture Editor on the OnPC but nothings jumping out at me as being the obvious reason for this.


Anyone have any ideas?





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I have notice some fixtures not responding as would be expected in MA3D.

Have you tried giving Chris a call at MA in London?


If the console shows the fixture moving full range in DMX values then I think you will find its the 3D that is the issue.

How does the fixture beam look on the Console if you pull up stage view? does it limit its movement on there also?


If you need an MA Ultra Light drop me a line. Much easier than working on onPC.



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Hi Jon:


I'm fairly certain it's the profile. The Tilt Output is only hitting 60º in the output window above the encoder, and likewise in the stage view. It's all very odd.


I'm just number crunching a world of groups at the moment so thanks for the offer of the Ultra Light, but I'm having two days down at MA in London prior to the gig to do some real programming beforehand.






E2A - I haven't spoken to Chris yet but I will be giving him a call in the morning if I cant resolve this today. I'd hoped to be getting some rough and ready position palettes in place by Monday

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From what I can gather the console and 3D sides are specified in the same file.


I'm assuming you're talking about the 300E as opposed to the 300 Classic as I could not find any files for the latter.

I don't know the format but looking at the txt file it does look wrong:


	{ _NAME "Function"   _RANGE [  0,255] _EFF PAN _PHYS [  -90.00,   90.00] }




	{ _NAME "Function"   _RANGE [  0,255] _EFF TILT _PHYS [  -60.00,   60.00] }


Only guessing but try changing Pan to [ -270.00, 270.00] and Tilt to [ -130.00, 130.00]

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Hi Nic:


Great minds think alike and all that hehehe. I had just trawled through the personality and done just that as you were posting. Looks like that's resolved it.


Cheers for the assist.



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