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Which Wireless mics to buy?


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I have £2500 to spend on 6 wireless mics these need to be able to work after the switch over.

Can someone recommended some mics and places to buy these from? (bearing in mind its for a college)

They need to be able to have headset mics connected to them aswell.


Any help appropriated


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Second the recommendation for Trantec! Great systems for the money.


On your budget you could get a 6-way Trantec S4.16 system with some change.



Though you may want to think carefully about this for a college....is it really worth buying?

-How many times a year do you actually need them?

-What if you want all handhelds for one show...and all beltpacks for another?

-What if you need some extra systems for one show...whereas for smaller shows your just using one or two systems?

-With the above...does your local hire company have mics to hire you that are compatible with your system?

-Have you got the maintenance budget to replace broken lav mics?


Sometimes just hiring radio systems where needed is a more flexible/easier solution.

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From the right supplier you might be able to stretch to the s5.3. I now own 6 of them and really do like them. Nice and robust (school friendly), great battery life, a sensible mic connector and the USB monitoring is simple but very effective. They're also damn good for the money!


A lot depends on if your £2500 is including or plus VAT, always a thing to consider being a college. Also, do you have an existing rack system to install them into, or do they need to be permanent? I'm racking my own, largely to make sure my flightcases stack and are compatible, also because I use different ADU's and like to be a bit more interesting with my RF wiring - I provide loop through and also amplified RF out's to give me choice when chaining to other racks.

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TMC had an offer on Trantec 4.16 'racked and ready' systems a couple of months ago. I can't see it on their site anymore, but it's worth giving them a call and they'll do you a quote - the guy I spoke to was helpful and they will probably do you a deal if it's for a college.
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actually - for a college, buying is a sensible thing. Two reasons - first is that budget for hiring in the future is a gamble, the way things are going, next year there may be no money, so no hire. Capital bids for equipment tend to be one off projects, that compete for the money with the hairdressers needs for a clever tinting machine, the beauty therapists need for a hair plucking gadget and the new lathe in the engineering section. Not all will be successful. If you are, then almost certainly next year you won't get more!


If they get a radio system, they will use it all the time in a performing arts/music department. Hire is for 'extras' - and radio systems are now no longer 'extra' they're the standard. If they have them, they'll use them!

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actually - for a college, buying is a sensible thing. Two reasons - first is that budget for hiring in the future is a gamble, the way things are going, next year there may be no money, so no hire. Capital bids for equipment tend to be one off projects, that compete for the money with the hairdressers needs for a clever tinting machine, the beauty therapists need for a hair plucking gadget and the new lathe in the engineering section. Not all will be successful. If you are, then almost certainly next year you won't get more!


If they get a radio system, they will use it all the time in a performing arts/music department. Hire is for 'extras' - and radio systems are now no longer 'extra' they're the standard. If they have them, they'll use them!


That's pretty much exactly how I (work) come to own a radio mic system! (Independent fee-paying school)

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I'll also second the suggestion of TMC. That's where I bought mine from. Good company to deal with. Nick Bolton's a good guy to talk to about things.


Have a look at Lintec when it comes to antennae and ADU's. They're not on the website yet, but they have some nice ch38 LP's and a wideband ADU in their range now.

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I'd suggest you look at Mipro,

They do a 1U- 4 channel receiver and a dual receiver again 1U. There is 72 meg of bandwidth available. All neat and tidy

Works out at about £530 a channel inc. Hand held mic


They sound actually very good,

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ummmmmmmm you could buy a Sennheiser systems. Freeport series is in that range price. Sennheiser works great.





You could buy about 20 Freeports for that budget (not that they'd all play together)! I suspect six G3 EW112/122s would be just out of the price range, but it's worth chasing for a deal. The various options from other manufacturers have been mentioned above.

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G3 EW112/122s 780pounds aprox.

Really - a very quick search shows places selling them for about £470, so if the OP can find a deal on 6 that should be pretty close to the budget.

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