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digital desk boot problem


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Hi all,


I am working on a theatre boat and we are doing an original performance and touring around Italy. I have just joined this group and I am in continued conversation with the previous sound tech who this did not happen to last season.

It is a charity so getting new equipment and parts are hard but only if necessary.


We run a Soundcraft Spirit 324 and I was setting up earlier and when tuning the desk on it began to boot as usual but it got so far in the configuration and set up (with the pacman esq thing going across the screen) and then begins the whole set up over and over again and does not fully boot.


I was wondering if anyone has any information about this problem and possible solutions as this is important to our show. I thank you all for your help now as this is very urgent that we get this set up correctly and fully soon!





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There are probably issues to do with internal batteries that might cause this, but what you really ought to do is call Soundcraft service / support.

The 324 is a pretty elderly design now, and it's quite likely that some key parts will no longer be available.

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Glad to hear it's sorted. The 324/328 was the first digital desk I ever used in anger and I really enjoyed my time on it. As dated as it may be now, I'm old and boring enough to be glad at least one is still earning its keep!
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  • 2 months later...

Hi, got the same desk and after checking every ribbon cable it worked again as new.

But where is the battery/batteries, or is there? I guess so, otherwise the settings won´t stay saved?

Sorry about my poor language, I live in Finland :unsure:

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Glad to hear it's sorted. The 324/328 was the first digital desk I ever used in anger and I really enjoyed my time on it. As dated as it may be now, I'm old and boring enough to be glad at least one is still earning its keep!


Up until at least 2 years ago, there was a 324 at my school (I finished school so do not know if it is still there, but have not heard of it being upgraded) and it was the desk we used for everything live, and was the desk I learned to mix on, it definitely has a bit of a soft spot in my heart.

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Yep, I sent email to Soundcraft where they forwarded it to local service, but it seems that they don´t give a damn :angry:

I´m pretty sure there´s a battery inside somewhere, gotta keep lookin´........thanks for the answers so far.

The desk itself is in some weird way cool, bought it from studio and it never has been at gigs etc, so the condition is like new :rolleyes:

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Got email from local service and they said there´s no battery inside, the desk uses DRAM-memory to store setiings etc and it don´t need backup battery :unsure:

So be it, everything works fine and that´s all what matters. Soundcraft´s website there is firmware upgrade available, only thing is to find right cable from pc to mixer.

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