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Using hay bales


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I'm working as ASM on a University production which is using hay bales. We have real hay bales which we had in stock as we have no budget to buy anything else but they are proving a nightmare to work with.


'Malting' on the floor we can work with - we just need to sweep the stage regularly.


However it's sticking to everyone's costume like mad, which is where the problem lies. The 2 characters who sit / lie on them are pretty much never off stage for more than 2 seconds before coming back on for the next scene which is supposed to be a few days later, so there's no time for a brush down or costume change (in school uniform so no need for a costume change either)


We are playing with some netting to see if this helps, but I was just wondering if anyone had any previous experience of how to get round this problem, or any ideas.


We also considered spraying them with a PVA/water mix but ruled this out as we thought it'd make them a bit shiny, and also the water may rot the hay.


Many thanks



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If you go to the search function up there to the right and search for straw bales there is a fair bit of info on what can and cannot be done with hay/straw on stage.


Thanks very much Kerry. I'd looked down the list of previous threads & couldn't see anything but I admit I hadn't actually used the search function. Lots of info there and now I'm wondering if we should be using them at all....The tutors haven't said yet that we shouldn't use them and they were used in a production a few weeks ago....

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As a rural I would use straw rather than hay, doesn't 'shed' like hay. Whatever you do, don't use PVA, you will be there for ever cleaning up the mess. The other threads go into flame-proofing and there is no reason that a risk assessment could not be formulated to allow their use.


Don't give up at the first hurdle, get used to the knock-backs and use them as educational tools. Work your way around the problems and bank the solution for a rainy day. If it is of any encouragement I once made a straw-bale outdoor stage for fire jugglers, and had it approved by the EHO's.

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