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Speaker not working properly


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Hi There,


If this is something very simple, then I am sorry. I dont have much experience or troubleshooting ability when it comes to sound I'm afraid!


Heres my senario. We have an 'LD Systems' live rock band sound system but one of the side speakers (LD Dave 12+ SAT) only gives out a very high frequancy, scratchy sound when music or other audio is played through it. Any ideas what could be causing the problem? I would just like to know if it is either something simple, or something obvious so that if we do send it away, I can give them a heads up of what the problem is.


Thanks for your help as allways blue roomers!


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From what I can See, the satellite speakers are passive, and driven off the amplifier housed in the subwoofer. Can you isolate the fault to either one speaker or one channel of the amplifier by swapping the sides each satellite is connected to? If the fault stays with the speaker, it will be at fault, if it stays with the amplifier channel, then the speaker is not at fault. Also, can you try swapping the inputs to the system to see if the fault moves?

Another though is to try driving the problematic speaker from a different amplifier and using the dave amplifier to drive a different speaker.


What you are trying to do is make a series of single changes to isolate the fault. Make sure you only change one thing between tests.

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Assuming you have checked it out by swapping left and right satellites and it is one speaker rather than one channel then you've got a driver knackered. Sounds like it could be the voice coil out of alignment.

Replacement needed, sorry.

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If its giving out a high frequency scratchy sound, rather than a high freqeuncy noise and a seperate scratchy sound (if that makes sense) Then I'd say it could be more than one driver, maybe even a crossover. I would have though that the system would have some sort of limiting to make it less likely for a driver to blow though?
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It is definitely the speaker. Tried a channel I knew worked, that was connected to a speaker that also worked. I swapped the speaker that was working fine with the suspected broken speaker and the same fault as described above occurred.


The sound, described very technically by yours truly, is very similar to when you taken down all of the 'mid' and 'low' off a channel and wacked the high up to full, it’s that kind of sound, high and scratchy.


Thanks everyone for your quick replies, I hope this information helped further.




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My next step personally would be to run some sine waves through the speaker, try something around 400hz. If you get nothing out, then either the driver or the low section of the passive crossover is dead (assuming these are 8"+horn?

Then I would remove the driver and check it for resistance across the terminals, should be betwee 3 and 4ohm DC

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I've just had a similar problem with our LD systems eminence monitors, 2 of them had a bad sounding output one just low/mid and the other just high. The drivers had gone but it was quite easy to fix if you've got the replacement parts. Maybe put a limiter over your FoH outputs to stop the same thing happening again in the future.


Hope that helps.

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