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mary poppins in london


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seen lots of reviews of the new show including some really clever effects I've read about it including people walking upside down and things appearing out of her handbag.


anyone here working on it/know about it?


me want to go see now just to see how its done :)



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Saw it in Bristol and can confirm that both of the rumours you've heard are true. I believe L&SI are going to do a write up soon about some of the technology behind it, but my advice would be go and see it - you won't be disappointed.
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I was lucky enough to see the 'Lighting Production Bible' from Bristol and the ammount of Moving Lights was insane! I used the venue it was in, in bristol immediatly after it got out and talked to a lot of the resident techs about it and it was a mamouth project- however it has put The Bristol Hipp. On the map and given it some extra cash.


As it stands its one of the biggest pross arch venues outside of london (new ETC dimmers, about to recieve a Strand 520i, over 60 counterweight bars).


They fly in a 2 story house at one point. Lighting wise this means tonnes and tonnes of practicles- they had a whole pratcical rig plan so to speak which was just huge!


As far as I can remember control was via Strand 520 series and Howard Harisson was the Lighting Designer.


All LX hire was from Stage Electrics Bristol (Avonmouth).


Hope this gives you some clue,



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I have the pleasure of working on Greek street, a few doors down from the stage dock for the Price Edward.


Over the last month of the get in, they have had no less than 4 40ft. lorries with the set and props, and 2 40ft'ers with all the LX gear.


I can confirm that the lighting had been sorted by Stage LX London, and that the mover rigs are massive. I was watching them a couple of weeks ago rig 6 ladders with movers, and considering the amout of flightcases that rolled out the trucks: I think it's safe to say that stage LX have been well and truely 'Discharged' of their stock... :)

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All the flying sequences are by a company called Freedom Flying. They're a great bunch who do fantastic things and have done so a couple of times for several show's I've been involved in. from a Peter pan Flying system to Hanging and Flying Judas in a recent amateur production of JC. Really good company who deserve all the success they get.
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I can confirm that the rig is supplied by Stage Electrics (Bristol - not London). It is controlled by a 520i with 510 backup. The show has by no means cleared out Stage's stock of movers, as a lot of stuff was bought just for the show. There are a lot of ETC Source Four Revolutions on the show - all beta versions bought specifically and by all accounts have given quite a few problems!


If you do go and see it - and you really should - Big Al is LX op, and he is a great bloke. Buy him a few beers and you can ask him all the questions you want!!!




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