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M7 vs iLive


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As per joe's post, haven't had any problems (touchwood) with ilive crashing, have had problems with loss of power not equipment fault, mixrack comes on immediately it has power and passes audio, desk takes a while to reconnect but with lap on stage not a great issue and UPS for the mixrack and desk will solve. Did have a problem some time ago when this happened and your running playback from the desk and when it reconnected some control was lost but this was sorted out with firmware update (think it was version 6 and we're on 8 now). This hapened on a show but could run untill the interval where system reboot sorted it. Stress again problem solved by firmware up date A&H very good with support and the forum is also very good
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I haven't used an M7.I have used the MH4,MH2 and ML5000 quite a bit.


When my main gig upgraded from analog to digital , my supplier offered me an LS9 or a roland M400. As , at my other gig I had been using a VI6 for sometime I would not consider either of these.

My supplier got me a quick inhouse demo from one of A+H distributers on the T112.


I have now had the T112 surface and IDR64 mixrack for a year and a half and I am very pleased with it. All the visiting engineers who have used it have been very happy and had a nice gig , even if they needed a bit of babysitting for the first few minutes.


I havent had any problems with it crashing , it did occasionally hang for a minute when naming channels but I believe this has been dealt with in one of the regular and easily available firmware upgrades , and I do make it work very hard when soundchecking 4 bands in a hurry or umpteen cabaret acts.


Another biased vote for the ILIVE.

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I haven't my iLive crash yet.




Bet there aren't many SD8/9 users that can say that ** laughs out loud **




Actually there's quite a few - ours hasn't crashed. And is much more capable than an M7CL, (which is a good desk, just getting on a bit).


One interesting thing to do with an SD9... run signal through the board, in soundcheck or whatever.. then hit the reset button on the back. Watch the desk reboot quickly without any loss of audio. So even if it does hang etc, there is a big safety net.


I haven't used the iLive, but I know a couple of chaps who have a few and they are happy with them.


You will find that a DiGiCo board is far more acceptable to touring engineers than an M7 / LS9.

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I haven't my iLive crash yet.




Bet there aren't many SD8/9 users that can say that ** laughs out loud **




Actually there's quite a few - ours hasn't crashed. And is much more capable than an M7CL, (which is a good desk, just getting on a bit).


One interesting thing to do with an SD9... run signal through the board, in soundcheck or whatever.. then hit the reset button on the back. Watch the desk reboot quickly without any loss of audio. So even if it does hang etc, there is a big safety net.


I haven't used the iLive, but I know a couple of chaps who have a few and they are happy with them.


You will find that a DiGiCo board is far more acceptable to touring engineers than an M7 / LS9.


I totally agree with Mike!


I've been using Digico D1 / D5 / SD8 / SD9 since around 2005 / 2006, there isn't another manufacturer makes anything remotely as flexible as the consoles mentioned or indeed as powerful as the SD7!


I've done a live tv gig 4 years on the trott with a D1 / D5 / SD9, all broadcast feeds come through the digico system. With 8 MILLION viewers per time, I would never go for that if I didn't have 110% faith in the machine!

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I've had my SD9 for a year now, never crashed, no problems. Even running using most inputs & ouputs and 90 snapshots. Autograph use SD series on a lot of their West End shows, where you can't afford to crash !! I think it's a myth, there may have been problems with the original D series, but SD is fine. I would never touch A&H after having a GL with a problem which I described to them. They passed me on to two service centres, neither fixed it properly, they didn't seem very interested at head office. Digico backup is second to none.
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