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Strand Act 6 D54


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Hi All,


Does anybody have a circuit diagram for the original Act6 dimmers?


The units I have are on the D54 protocol and I was hoping to convert them back to 0-10 for use with a demux.


However after Strand was carved up their archive only seems to go back to 1993 and there is no info on strand archive.


Any help would be appreciated :-)





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Can't help with the circuit diagram I'm afraid, just wanted to give you a quick heads up that when you do convert them to accept an analogue input it'll most likely have to be -10v rather than +10v.

(You probably already knew that.)

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From memory - the D54 card is just plugged on to the mainboard using the same connector you would use to plug in a DMX card. If you're careful taking off one of the side cheeks of the rack - you should see where it's plugged in.


Depending on the vintage of the ACT6 - it may have an auto sensing input that will take pos or neg control signals, the desk supply from the rack however will be negative so take care to isolate that on any other desks or demux's you plug in!

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From memory - the D54 card is just plugged on to the mainboard using the same connector you would use to plug in a DMX card. If you're careful taking off one of the side cheeks of the rack - you should see where it's plugged in.


Depending on the vintage of the ACT6 - it may have an auto sensing input that will take pos or neg control signals, the desk supply from the rack however will be negative so take care to isolate that on any other desks or demux's you plug in!


I have the act6 apart and indeed the interface board does plug on to the motherboard.


I am looking for the pin out of this connection on the motherboard circuit diagram so that I can wire the 0-10 in.


If all else fails experimentation will be required however I was hoping to avoid that if any one had a copy.

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I've got a note in my Act6 file which seems to list the pinout of a 10 way connector as follows:-

1. -15v

2. 0v

3-8. Channels

9. +15

10. Frame gnd


I don't know what it relates to but if you find a 10 way connector taking the signal from your D54 board to the main board then I'm guessing that these are the pinouts.



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I've got a note in my Act6 file which seems to list the pinout of a 10 way connector as follows:-

1. -15v

2. 0v

3-8. Channels

9. +15

10. Frame gnd


I don't know what it relates to but if you find a 10 way connector taking the signal from your D54 board to the main board then I'm guessing that these are the pinouts.




That sounds quite likely to be the plug on the motherboard will give it a go! Many thanks!

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I don't remember any of the older ACT6s NOT having an 8 way analogue input on the front. But then that could just be my memory.


K :)


Yup, it is my memory. Managed to find an old fader card and it looks like there is a resistor network to change the -10v to -5v (full) by the time it gets to the 10 way connector on the motherboard.


K :)

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