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Is there a simple single button operated programmable DMX controller?


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this is only 66 euros. I have used them on many led installs. but they will work with anything, but you do need a DMX controller to program them.





I used the SD-10, and the answer is yes, it did the job


There are some limitations, like that you have to copy each scene from the laptop manually, then set the fade time on the SD-10. I was hoping to just drag and drop the whole thing!,


Also there doesn't seem to be any way of backing up to a disc. and there's only 96 channels.


But, I am now using it to run the lights on a show where there is no one person in charge of the lights. Three different people have to operate them at different times, some who have no technical knowledge, and sometimes in the dark, and always having to concentrate on something else at the same time, like playing music or a costume change. And it's been reliable and simple and everyone gets it right.


So thanks for the tip.


The only real problems I've had are with Freestyler, but I'll put that in a different post






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