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Speaker set up

obi wan kenobi

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I need to set up an audio system with speakers in multiple zones, I.e hall, entrance vestibule and outside. Each zone needs to have the ability to output separately as well as collectively, is this done through a multi channel amp or is there a switch unit which can control the on/off for the speakers?



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If all areas have the same signal, then 100V line would be the simplest solution. You can provide level control at each speaker, and some 100V line amplifiers allow you to select which groups of loudspeakers are switched on. You cannot have multiple signals in this scenario uinless there are multiple amps and a zoning mixer.


If all areas have the same signal but need to be able to take independent signals as well, you need to either have multiple channels of amplification and a suitable zone mixer, or a zone mixer feeding powered loudspeakers. The thread referred to above does have some good ideas for the zoning part.

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Thanks for the suggestions, the building is a church where the main speakers are located in the main hall, there is some requirement for speakers in the entrance and outside only to deal with overflow of the hall one or twice a year. The zoning system seems to be the likely optionas it will allow scalability for the church should they wish to have background music playing int he entrance etc...


Again, thanks for the advice

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