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Strand 300 grand master


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Hi guys,


Just a very quick question. If I create a grand master on one of my submaster faders, will it affect the recorded cue stack, or will the cues default to the level they are recorded at? We have some power issues at our venue and have been restricted to only 33% on the dimmers, so was hoping this will allow me to run my existing cue stack at reduced level without the need to re-record levels.



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Hi guys,


Just a very quick question. If I create a grand master on one of my submaster faders, will it affect the recorded cue stack, or will the cues default to the level they are recorded at? We have some power issues at our venue and have been restricted to only 33% on the dimmers, so was hoping this will allow me to run my existing cue stack at reduced level without the need to re-record levels.




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Hi guys,


Just a very quick question. If I create a grand master on one of my submaster faders, will it affect the recorded cue stack, or will the cues default to the level they are recorded at? We have some power issues at our venue and have been restricted to only 33% on the dimmers, so was hoping this will allow me to run my existing cue stack at reduced level without the need to re-record levels.




Making one of your subs a grand master is ok as long as you do not drop the level and re-record. At the moment you can assume that

any channels at 100% on the desk will be 33% on your dimmers as that is the maximum they will run at the moment.

You will have to check cues for any levels that are recorded at a low level like 50% as the dimmer will be at 16.5%.Hope this helps



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Hi guys,


Just a very quick question. If I create a grand master on one of my submaster faders, will it affect the recorded cue stack, or will the cues default to the level they are recorded at? We have some power issues at our venue and have been restricted to only 33% on the dimmers, so was hoping this will allow me to run my existing cue stack at reduced level without the need to re-record levels.





Making one of your subs a grand master is ok as long as you do not drop the level and re-record. At the moment you can assume that

any channels at 100% on the desk will be 33% on your dimmers as that is the maximum they will run at the moment.

You will have to check cues for any levels that are recorded at a low level like 50% as the dimmer will be at 16.5%.Hope this helps




On GeniusPro you can select whether the grand master affects newly recorded cues- the option is on the main user setup page.


In the OP's case, yes, if you set a sub as a grand master, put this at 50% then your cue stack will run at 50% of it's recorded values.


If the OP wishes to alter some values, then re-record the cue, he would want to make sure the 'GM Affects Record' is off. This way, if he then puts the GM up to full then the changes will be relative to the rest of the rig.


Hope this makes sense!



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Without going into too much detail, the power issue is that, what we thought we had avaliable has blown a main fuse, so to stay in limit we have had to lower levels to save re-plotting panto for the final three shows. By keeping my levels down I can use the existing cue stack, and fill in darker areas with followspots.
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The other thing is that the time from off to 33% is longer than off to full, so snap ups will be fade ups, the colour as has been said will be an issue because of the yellowness, but also will prevent many common colours being used - 181 on 33% won't be much use. I've come across this a few times where the local supply company put a split rate surcharge on when power wasn't that spare. I seem to remember Strand building an add on that monitored the current at the bus bars and then applied a proportional inhibit - after a warning light made the op aware they were getting close. I'd have though something similar could easily be done. If the supply company can't provide enough, they have nice digital meters that clip on and have wireless displays showing your current current consumption. Then you could just balance things up at the desk, keeping below whatever limit has been set - based on current, not a daft arbitrary percentage. Is a 650W on full more than a 1.2K on 33%?
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Supply company have now fixed the issue, I just needed a work around for second act last night and the matinee today to keep the cue stack running without having to add extra work whilst the fix was made.
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