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making the smell of a swimming pool in a theatre

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I'm working on a production set in a swimming pool and we want a swimming pool smell as part of this. I was wondering if anyone had safely done this before, what you used and how you managed to waft the smell around the space?


Or if anyone has any ideas?


We are in a fairly open theatre, end on but not prosc. no masking and no wings.


Any help would be amazing!



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Firstly, Welcome to BR,


I work in a theatre attached to a sport centre, with a swimming pool. I know that if we needed it the guys over there could give us a decent amount of pool water/the chemicals necessary in safe concentrations. Your profile says you are at central so I guess you are either in a medium venue or a studio for this show. Should be fairly easy to heat up a tub in the wings and get the smell airborne.

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I'd imagine Dale Air http://www.daleair.com/ would have a 'themed aroma' to suit. Easy to use system, with a wall mounted heater type unit which the 'smell' gets put into and gets heated to better release the aroma.


Having used several of their smells before, I can say they certainly do as they say. I think my sense of smell is now engrained with Clinical Hospital, Boiler Room and, possibly to my detriment, Vomit :D . All a bit too lifelike!



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The problem is that smell is the chloramines produced when the chlorine based chemistry reacts with the sweat and urine in the water.


So in order to get the smell you're going to want to use a synthetic analog, not a bucket of other folks effluent.

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Slightly OT - but the Circus in great yarmouth still sink their ring into the water. They do a nice effect wherethey pour in thousands of ping pong balls from the entrance which slowly fill the ring - then the moving lights do pretty things on the white surface, then the dancers have swum in from offstage UNDER the ping pong balls and then burst through - looks amazing. No idea what they use for keeping the water nice, but it doesn't smell like a pool!
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  • 1 month later...

Hi there


Smell of swimming pool, use a cheap bleach added to a filled bucket of water and leave that in the auditorium overnight and see if that works.

Iit did on a show I did many years ago (make sure you use cheap bleach, you know 2 litres for 50p)

If not strong enough use more buckets, we used 6 and leff them in the areas away from doors.


Hope this helps


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