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How is this effect created?

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Was watching some videos of the latest East Coast Trans-Siberian tour. Noticed an effect they used and am curios to how it was done. In the video attached it is right around the 2 minute mar. The best way I can describe it is. Black swirled shadow that climbs vertically through the laser field.


Any clues?







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Was watching some videos of the latest East Coast Trans-Siberian tour. Noticed an effect they used and am curios to how it was done. In the video attached it is right around the 2 minute mar. The best way I can describe it is. Black swirled shadow that climbs vertically through the laser field.


Any clues?








I think this effect is not purposely done, a mixture of crossing lasers and cheap video camera !!

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I don't think its something you'd see with your own eyes (unfortunately - it'd be a cool effect).


Its a stroboscopic effect caused by the way the sensor in the camera is scanning line by line as the laser beam is moving.

There are lots of clips on youtube showing similar effects on plane propellers, eg:

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I don't think its something you'd see with your own eyes (unfortunately - it'd be a cool effect).


Its a stroboscopic effect caused by the way the sensor in the camera is scanning line by line as the laser beam is moving.

There are lots of clips on youtube showing similar effects on plane propellers, eg:


It might be a scanning issue, but it moved across fans smoothly even though they were on different lasers. It also didn't happen on other similar fans. It may also have just been a hole in the fog that the lasers moved through in unison.


That's a pretty cool video of the propeller from an iPhone.



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I still think this is either a combination of a poor camera and a gap in the Haze, or just one of them.


This looks like a similar thing as to what happens when you point a camera at a relatively cheap LED par can. Your eyes see a nice solid colour a relatively smooth fades, the camera sees a nice lot of strobeing LED's. This could be a good explanation as to why the same thing happens at the same time in two different places.


It might just be that the two different cameras used had similar or the same (refresh rates?) and that scene in the show just happens to create that effect.


I don't know I found another Trans siberian video which was at a different venue 9 days later different camera and totally different angle. The effect is still there at the exact some time as well.


Take a look.

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I don't know I found another Trans siberian video which was at a different venue 9 days later different camera and totally different angle. The effect is still there at the exact some time as well.


Take a look.


you can see how patchy the haze is in the first ten seconds of that video !!

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I definitely think it's a scanning issue and this being caught by a camera that can't handle the scanning frequency.


If you notice from 1.35, the laser scans slower to achieve the lined fan effect. Within this, you can see the 'spiral' flicker effect but it's very fast. This must mean there is less scanning within the laser field.


The effect from 1.45 is slightly different where the laser is less pronounced and IMO 'flattened' (not lines) and I guess to get that effect, the laser has to scan very, very, very fast. Faster than what the camera can pick up (like the helicopter propeller idea) which results in the 'spiral' flicker effect to be slower. Slower flicker effect, faster frequency.


I just think it's all dependent on the type of effect produced. Some effects need faster laser scanning than others it seems.


But, just to add, the naked eye works differently to a camera lens, so we shouldn't see the effect happen as much as a camera lens can.

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