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Strand 200 series 24/48 problem


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Firstly, are the dimmers set the the right DMX address? And are the time faders set to manual? If they're set at a 15 minute fade you won't get light output straight away so it may appear that it's not working when in actual fact you're just not giving them enough time to turn on.


Edit: FL means full, and I'm not sure what LL stands for but in the patch menu it means what the maximum output the channel can be at. The default is full (FL), though you can set it to a lower value if you want.

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I have just connected up in the last 3 days a brand new strand 200 24/48 console.

I have set it up witn 4 zero88 betapac3s.


problem is it does not work and I have 4 days to opening of school musical.


I have tried manual setup and cross fade etc but no light.


I have tried setting patches 1>24@1>24* to no effect.

grand master is up. cross fades set, run in single and two scene mode.


at one point I had light from dimmer 1 fader 1. but in trying to sort hout how I got it. lost it.


this showed me that fader works, cross fde and grand mster works.

in the lcd panel all seems OK but not signal or at least no correct signal.


DMX cables and betapacs run ok from tec's test system. what does LL and FL mean in the lcd window. nothing in the manual.


anyone care to offer an opinion.


al help gratefull received to save my bacon.


Mark Wilson

Viktora Zabila 7a



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Firstly, check what Kazeja mentioned - if your Betapacks aren't getting DMX then with the best will in the world you're not going to make anything light up by fiddling with the desk.


If they are, then make sure that :- the grand master is at full, the blackout button isn't active, your A and B preset masters are both at full, your Time faders are all the way to the top, you're in single scene mode, the Hold button isn't active, and that the LEDs above the faders come on when you lift the channel faders above zero.


If you still get nothing, go into the Patch menu and select Default Patch (option 3) - this patches everything 1-to-1 (which is what you want as long as your dimmers are addressed as 1 to 24). Console Default (option 9 in the setup menu) sets the whole desk to factory defaults, and would have the same effect (as well as deleting any programming you've already done, so use with care!).

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Hi guys and thanks for your help.

Hobitlight. DMX is set correctly and numbered 1 7 13 and 19. time fade set to manual. no luck


Murray. desk is set to two scene. though I have tried with submaster neither works


Kazeja DMX is good and all lights on


Gareth DMX is good and light on. blackout is inactive, will check that hold is inactive, Have tried console default option 3 and 9.


Still no luck.

I managged to get one light working on dimmer and fader1, fader is active led above glows brighter as it is increased. cross faded ok and grand master dimmed and brightened as increased or decreased. In face all leds came on up and down when faded in, just no light.

DMX test kit show DMX cables OK but I will check for a dry joint tomorrow.


keep ideas coming please and thanks for your help.



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You mention a DMX 'test kit' - is this a DMX tester that you have in your possession which will indicate the presence of DMX on a line, or even better display incoming DMX levels? If so, it'll be easy to work out whether it's the desk or dimmers at fault.


This is a really stupid question, but I'll ask anyway - the dimmer channels have all got working lanterns on the end of them, and all the fuses are intact, yes?

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This is a really stupid question, but I'll ask anyway - the dimmer channels have all got working lanterns on the end of them, and all the fuses are intact, yes?

Following on from Gareth - have you checked that the Betapack IIIs are in the correct mode (not in manual for example)? Check the channel breakers are in the 'on' position! Check the channels have not had a Topset applied to them (if you did a reset from super user this would have been reset to all channels back to 100%).


Finally - have you tested the channels from the Betapack III front panel and confirmed something lights at the other end? Channel Test ==> While keeping the ‘Enter’ button held down in Default Mode, use the ‘Up & Down’ Arrows to set a level of 100% on a single channel. Release the ‘Enter’ button to remove this level.

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I seem to recall that if Strand desks do not have a 'good' copy of the OS and/or a bad/missing password, then they revert to a single channel operation. I would go back to the vendor asking about OS disks and whether a password file was ever created and saved.


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Have you run a self test on the desk? There is a fader test.

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I seem to recall that if Strand desks do not have a 'good' copy of the OS and/or a bad/missing password, then they revert to a single channel operation. I would go back to the vendor asking about OS disks and whether a password file was ever created and saved.


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Have you run a self test on the desk? There is a fader test.

I'm not sure, but I don't think the 200 desks were that 'clever'... Whilst there is a compact flash reader/writer to save shows to, I'm not 100% sure whether any OS upgrades are feasible using this... I could be wrong however.


I also don't believe there are any password options on the 200...


Oh, and on the LL and FL question, I think you'll find the LL stands (oddly) for LeveL, with FL as has already been given as FULL.

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I seem to recall that if Strand desks do not have a 'good' copy of the OS and/or a bad/missing password, then they revert to a single channel operation. I would go back to the vendor asking about OS disks and whether a password file was ever created and saved.

As Tony says in the post above this one, 200-series desks aren't that clever - they don't have passwords like the GeniusPro series of desks because there aren't any additional features to be unlocked or extra channels to be added, they just do what they do ; and the OS lives in ROM inside the desk, it isn't upgradeable via any user-accessible means, so it either works or it doesn't.


Have you run a self test on the desk? There is a fader test.

The OP says that moving all the faders off zero brings on the LED indicators above them, so I think we can assume the faders are OK.

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Thanks everyone for your help. I still don't have any light.

Tried the console reset and console Default option 3 patch.

fader LED lights up when channel is moved up of 0. they cross fade as should.

Flash is on

step rate is manual

fade time is manual/Hold and blackout is off/inactive.

When grand master is moved then fader leds adjust accordingly.

have spoken with zero88 guys and dimmers are all doing what they should

have tested them all on manual and they all work. all set to 1 7 13 19.


still no light and running out of time and options. any other ideas. Anyone know a tec in Kiev that I can contact?



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latest info and translation from the Ukrainian tec is that the desk is 'sending empty packets' to the dimmers.

initially hes said it was not sending any signal, but with more discussion ...

means it is sending a signal but not any information for what to do, or not sending a useful signal.

any more ideas.


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