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Glow tape

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I am having a problem with my glow tape staying "glowed" Any suggestions?



As an ASM, I don't use glow tape back stage for that very reason. I'll often use white spike or white cloth tape instead. I remember being a carp on a show and having to charge glow tape just before an actor came running in between a boom and a German. Every night I had to jump out of the way only seconds before he came through because the tape lost it's glow so quickly.


How do you see white spike in the dark? I use glow tape because even tho it does not stay glowed very long, you can see it better than spike tape.

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How do you see white spike in the dark? I use glow tape because even tho it does not stay glowed very long, you can see it better than spike tape.


I find that in the vast majority of cases, there is enough ambient light backstage that seeing the white tape is not an issue. I dislike the idea that the actors can see in act 1, but not in act 2. I would rather have what they can see be consistent, then I know to add more light if there is an issue.


Could you not tell the German to move? :** laughs out loud **: (I take it that's actually a Canadian term for something, rather than a person)


Yes, it is a Canadian term. It is a piece of masking that runs upstage-downstage. They are quite popular in Canada and most theatres have pipes that are built into the fly gallery specifically for that purpose. (I understand that they aren't used in too many other places, but that may be changing now...)

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