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Starlight Express UK Tour


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People must read my mind. I have been thinking about that all day - as it is coming to Bristol on the tour.


Sorry Sam this is not an answer to your question, however has anyone seen the tour show yet? It is currently playing Manchester. I believe there was a little hiccup on the opening night.....(re. the 3D projections)




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Sorry Sam this is not an answer to your question, however has anyone seen the tour show yet?  It is currently playing Manchester.  I believe there was a little hiccup on the opening night.....(re. the 3D projections)


As it happens, I went to see Starlight Express in Manchester yesterday (Saturday) with some friends (some of which read the Blue Room too) and - well, I wasn't overly impressed, to be honest. OK, it was the matinee, but - well, in my opinion that's no excuse for sloppiness.


The first part of the first half was particularly bad - well, when I say 'bad' I mean 'not really up to standard'; the dancing and choreaography wasn't 'tight' (which was particularly noticeable in a few big numbers), LX cues weren't amazing(they came in a bit late sometimes), trucks were crashed audibly together (there wasn't much scenery to crash yet it still managed to!) and lamps had gone in the big revolve/circular floor. (The latter was perhaps particularly noticeable to me since a) I'm a lighting person and b) we were high up in the gallery so got a good view of the circular stage area all the time!


There were a few other issues that were less important - some rather mediocre CO2 jets for example - but I'll try not to list any more :-)


That all sounds very critical - I know, perhaps it is - and I know I couldn't have done better myself but when it's a high profile, famous, big budget show I expected better to be honest. It wouldn't have taken 10 minutes to check all the lamps before the show, for example.


On the plus side, there were some nice effects; the 'starcloth' (starred set) and cooled smoke rolling over the stage in particular. I was impressed with the moving images - well, the DL1-style projectors on yokes and flown screens that interacted with each other - I'd like to know more about how that was achieved, technically. It was quite good to see the screens moving around and the projectors following them :-) It was the first time I've seen a yoked projector in a show (rather than in a PLASA booth!)


I was not too impressed with the 3D bits - well, they were fine in themselves but the actual 'races' seemed a bit gimmicky to me, to be honest. Almost like 'powerrangers' stylistically at one point... althuogh again, technically, it was good and a huge RP screen! As far as I can tell though there were no technical problems with the polarised 3D stuff (although the yoked ordinary projectors cut out at one point during the Electra scene...)


I suppose I just came out of it thinking that it was very /impressive/ but not much of an all round /show/. I didn't have any empathy with the characters; the plot was a bit predictable and unimaginitive and although the dancing wasn't as good as it could have been (though miles better than I could have done!) the singing was very strong. Shame there wasn't a live band though.


I'd like to know more about the technology behind the show - but I'd not rush back to see the performance again.


On a side side track... I saw Chitty the other week and had similar feelings (although it was better than Starlight Express); we came out of that feeling that it was 'just a Tuesday night performance' and I was surprised when some people stood for an ovation at the end of it. Are my expectations too high? Am I just a perfectionist? Or is there a definite trend for shows to be 'churned out' at relatively unimportant/low profile showings?


Sorry for the semi rant, but I hope it's of some interest!

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No I don't think you do have too high expectations. The variation in ticket price between a saturday matinee and evening is so minimal, that the matinee audience does not deserve to see a bad show. Mind you, is there any guarantee that this show is not tired at EVERY performance - either way it doesn't bode well for the rest of the tour.
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That all sounds very critical - I know, perhaps it is - and I know I couldn't have done better myself but when it's a high profile, famous, big budget show I expected better to be honest. It wouldn't have taken 10 minutes to check all the lamps before the show, for example.


Things can go wrong during a show! To suggest that the theatre and production staff didn't bother with a rig check is very insulting.

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Things can go wrong during a show! To suggest that the theatre and production staff didn't bother with a rig check is very insulting.


I apologise if I offended. However, two of the sections and a couple of other odd lamps on the revolve weren't functioning - and they weren't fixed during the interval either... so it's not as if just one wasn't working.


Perhaps each individual thing wasn't much but the cumulative effect led to the overall impression I got.





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It wouldn't have taken 10 minutes to check all the lamps before the show, for example.
Things can go wrong during a show! To suggest that the theatre and production staff didn't bother with a rig check is very insulting.

Well very much so - a show we had a little while back managed to blow a 12v transformer in a truck an hour or so before the show, so we did a bit of jigging about in order to get as many of the lamps working as possible, but it did mean a couple of the lamps couldn't be powered.


Hey these things happen, despite the best efforts of the crew.



PS. Moderation Note: Just edited the last two posts to sort out the quotes

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