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Lighting design

Matthew Robinson

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Sorry if a bit O/T Paul, but this something that has been baffling me for ages! How did you think up the colours for the song you did as an example in your post (not quoted as its long)? Its the thing I'm really struggling with doing this Performing Arts Course, I just have no idea on how (as such) to think up the ideas. Could you maybe explain your thought process?

It's already been said, but worth repeating...

Experience a wide variety of events and spend time looking at how the designers have used colour to set or compliment the moods of the piece. Work WITH the sound people and LISTEN to what's being played, musically, and see what sort of impression that evokes. And never be tempted to go with a colour just because the song mentions it - yellow submarine doesn't HAVE to be lit with a yellow wash...

That approach SOMETIMES works if done subtly, but not a lot.


And get yourself a swatch book and see what inspiration you might get from leafing through that.

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Whist also agreeing with the previous few posts I'd like to add that there's nothing wrong with a bit of trial and error! In the rehearsal try some colours and see which one has the right feel to it. If you still can't decide then maybe you weren't meant to be a designer! (There's nothing wrong with being a lighting technician and not a lighting designer - mostly the technicians get paid more!).
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