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Lighting Software


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Hi all,here is my first post of many probably.

Okay, so here it is.

I am a lighting engineer for a touring tribute band (mainly theatres)

I have had a large amount of use of the Avolite Pearl 2004 and love the desk (however this show cannot afford one)

Also im not sure if its possible, but I would like to be able to run what is essential at the moment a powerpoint along with lighting.


SO... I am looking for a software alternative, that is fairly similar to the pearl in terms of patching, creating memories, chases and the way it controls moving heads. (including palletes if possible) as well as the functionality of being able to run visuals within the software too.


The show carrys 6 moving heads (crappy I rocks all be it) there own projector, and 6 LED battons, and then I work with whatever the theatre has (anywhere between having 20 parcans to play with up to having 60 parcans and 6 mac 250's)


so as a summary, im looking for software that is similar to the pearl, is quick and easy (like the pearl) for patching and programming, can run visuals (powerpoint at the moment but that can be altered)


As I final point, I dont tent to use theatre stacks or cues, but would be happy to if it made more sense within the software.


Thanks in advanced

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Have you considered LightFactory? I think it's a great option for systems like yours. You might like to consider the "Basic" licence which enables 50 devices (as opposed to a full 512 devices in the 1 Universe licence) for just £125. You can always upgrade from Basic to Full should you need more channels, or even use the Hire system to hire a 4 universe licence for blocks of 12 hours as you require them.


If internal visualisation is important to you, you can purchase Capture Console Edition for £249 with a LightFactory licence, which gives you a full visualisation system and lighting desk for less than £400!


thanks again oli :** laughs out loud **:

Moderation: Edited to make clear that the poster does not speak for LightFactory; and SPaG.

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EDIT: there is an fx tab and this has some pre programed and fully editable shapes for the movers and it can also create chases and such like with no hassle at all and I think there are some built in fixture personalitys and you can also create your own for most well established brands ie martin, robe etc .. but im not 100% sure it maybe worth enquiring about it


im not sure if there are any reviews of the software specificaly but the websites here http://www.lifact.com/products.php and it is cramed to bursting point of loads of usefull stuff and I think there is also a free trial download so you can give it abit of a try out but I can second that it is a brilliant bit of software and I would prefer this to some desks hands down


thanks again oli :** laughs out loud **:

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I also have Lightfactory installed on my PC which I find easy to use albeit I am only running have generic lights at the moment.

You can download a trial version of Lightfactory to have a play with however it will not run a DMX dongle until you upgrade to a paid for version.

The one I bought (LF50 1/2 universe) has 256 channels of DMX and costs £125+VAT on the lightfactory website, however as a blueroom member if you look here: http://www.blue-room.org.uk/index.php?showtopic=30027 there is a 10% discount voucher





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I also have Lightfactory installed on my PC which I find easy to use albeit I am only running have generic lights at the moment.

You can download a trial version of Lightfactory to have a play with however it will not run a DMX dongle until you upgrade to a paid for version.

The one I bought (LF50 1/2 universe) has 256 channels of DMX and costs £125+VAT on the lightfactory website, however as a blueroom member if you look here: http://www.blue-room.org.uk/index.php?showtopic=30027 there is a 10% discount voucher






Thanks to both of you, I shall investigate further, and let you know.

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/self moderation/ I don't speak for LightFactory, but I do have an affiliation of sorts .... LFUtilities


Rob Halliday has reviewed LightFactory for Lighting and Sound America;

LSA July 2010 - I think you'll need a [Free] subscription to the online addition to view this..


Not taking away from the BR, but there is a LF Users Group if you have specific LF questions.


lx2010 Posted Yesterday, 7:54 PM

I think there are some built in fixture personalitys and you can also create your own for most well established brands ie martin, robe etc .. but im not 100% sure it maybe worth enquiring about it

The built in fixture library currently has over 2300 fixtures encompassing 170 manufacturers.

There is a Fixture Editor so you can create your own.


Running your powerpoint visuals should be accomplishable, but you would need to turn this into either pictures or video content.

Add this as a media playback effect and configure LF to output this to 2nd monitor for the projector.


You don't have to use cues, but it's certainly one way, you could create a cue list for each song and use cue playbacks.

For more busking style, you could just use effects and fx playbacks with a number of subs/groups for others.


One thing to consider, your biggest 'issue' with ANY software will be the control surface for busking. Your going to need some sort of interface, i.e. physical faders and buttons.

Have a look at the LightFactory Playback wing (10 submasters and fx playback controls), or motorised midi faders, or a DMX preset board to use as a fader wing. (Search my previous post history or the LF Group..)

Touchscreen's work well with the shortcut pages or playback pages for instance.


As has been said, download the software from the website. There are no limitations in the demo beyond the fact it will not output DMX.

You can also hire the software, so once you have a feel from the demo, you could use this option to explore further.




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Okay... after looking at both MAGIC Q and light factory.. I am well and truely stook haha

I like the idea of both the systems - they both offer what I need.

I like the idea of having some kind of add on wing for whichever piece of software I choose, but I cant find prices on these anywhere (perhaps im being blind).


so I would like some help, possibly from someone with real world experience of these..

and also would like to know more about people that are using wings with these programmes, in terms of if these can act as the DMX interface or do you need those as well? What you can assign the wing faders to etc..


like I said I love the sound of both pieces of software, and need to be swayed one way or another.

and if anyone has got the "Cheapest Option" for what I have specified that would be great..


cheers for your help on this, everyone that has been involved, I just need a final push one way or another.


I like the idea of the 1/2 universe option from Lightfactory with the one universe dongle which is listed at around £200 quid, so I would like a VERY cheap wing of some sort (or something that would do the job)

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Has anyone else tried downloading Lightfactory 2.4 today? I keep getting an error message as if the server is broken :rolleyes:

I have emailed them to see if the problem is at their end.

I have today I was going to update from 2.3 but no joy it just says that cannot find server

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I like the idea of having some kind of add on wing for whichever piece of software I choose, but I cant find prices on these anywhere (perhaps im being blind).

Give Chamsys a call or an e-mail (or contact BR members Wol or tvi675 on here, they're both on the staff at Chamsys) and they'll be able to help you with prices.


so I would like some help, possibly from someone with real world experience of these..

and also would like to know more about people that are using wings with these programmes, in terms of if these can act as the DMX interface or do you need those as well? What you can assign the wing faders to etc..

Well, I can help you with real-world experience - I own a MagicQ PC Wing which I use with an 'all-in-one' 17" touchscreen PC, which I've used on theatre, corporate and concert type events over the last couple of years.


The PC Wing has two universes of DMX built into it, and it's easy to add more if you need them via USB or ethernet. The 10 playback faders on the wing can be assigned in exactly the same way as those on the 'real' desk - individual cues, cue stacks or chases.


and if anyone has got the "Cheapest Option" for what I have specified that would be great..

Be aware that 'cheap' and 'good' are not always the same thing ...


Basically, I bought my MagicQ system to replace a Wholehog II that simply wasn't getting enough use to justify its continued ownership - MagicQ was a lower-cost solution that did everything that my Hog II could do and a whole lot more besides, using a very familiar syntax and programming method, as well as being able to work in a way that's more akin to that which seasoned Avo programmers would feel at home with (can you say that about Light Factory?). I wouldn't like to use it without a touchscreen (unless I had a full-blown wing or an actual desk), as clicking the buttons with the mouse would slow me down quite a bit - but I guess if you're only doing relatively simple programming and you're not under any serious pressure of time, it would be fine.


Don't know whether you'll be able to get yourself to PLASA at Earl's Court tomorrow (it's the last day) - Chamsys have a stand there and I'm sure they'd be only too happy to show you what their gear can do. Otherwise, they regularly hold training sessions on their consoles which it may well be worth booking a place on.


Edited to add : why not download the MagicQ software and get yourself one of their cheap USB dongles, and try it for yourself? If you find you like it, you can invest further in a hardware wing safe in the knowledge that you're not pumping money into a product that may not be the right one for you ... and if you don't like it, you've only spent a few quid!

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I can also recommend MagicQ, you can run it on just about any PC but I strongly suggest using it with at least one touch-screen; it makes a world of difference. (the full consoles have a touch screen built in)


I use it with the PC Wing which has 2 DMX out, 10 faders and the major programming encoders and buttons. There is also a Mini Wing which just has the 10 faders with 1 DMX or the Maxi Wing which has 4 DMX and all of the faders & buttons which are on the full console.


The software is free and the first DMX universe will output on most of the usb-DMX boxes that are out there. Some of these can be found for under £50.


Bear in mind that you can use all 18 DMX outputs over artnet for free, and it is easy to use with any of the visualiser packages on the same PC.

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Has anyone else tried downloading Lightfactory 2.4 today? I keep getting an error message as if the server is broken :stagecrew:

I have emailed them to see if the problem is at their end.


We experienced some down time on our server over PLASA, which is why you experienced these problems. We have now resolved this, and moved to a more reliable dedicated server so we hopefully don't run into trouble again. (Obviously being at PLASA slowed this process down slightly!).


Sorry for the inconvenience, please try downloading the software again at www.lifact.com

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