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Pro DVD Player


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If you have the time the will and a spare PC you might consider installing a Linux distro, which has been designed as a "media sever". Linux is free and if you want you can always install VLC and transcoder progs for free as well as.


You could even dual boot if you had to.


Google for Linux and go from there. "Distrowatch" seems to be the main Linux info website. There are countless others but you would have retired before you had looked at half of them. Here is but one site:




Linux is particularly network friendly so you could have different vids/files playing at the same time if desired. Stuff like compiling playlists is no problem either.


If any kit did break, fixing a PC, apart from a mother board, is generally just a matter of a few clips, screws and cables...a DVD player is as cheap as to replace.


If the software got corrupted say, simply re-install and reboot.

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