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teatro help wanted

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I think Teatro went under several years ago.


If you can guess their old website URL (assuming they ever had a website, the only paper docs I have handy only mention a Compuserve email address) then the Wayback Machine (www.archive.org) might help.


I have a 8 page product overview marketing leaflet here which I could scan for you if that would help - what question are you trying to answer?


We also have some of their 500w cyc floods in our venue, if looking at one would help!

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Fraid I dont know the company nor ir they had a website or what it may have been called. You could hjowever try searching on the wayback machine which may have archived their site if it ever existed. The wayback machine is here. However, I have just had aquick look and it appears the wayback machine archive is currently down. You may have to wait a wee while for it to come back to life.
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Just as a thought, but didn't Teatro have something to do with Coemar at one point? We have 5 of the 500w 4 cell Cyc floods (amongst other little bits here and there) and they all have Teatro by Coemar on them, so I'd presume Coemar might be a good place to try.





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Stu is correct, Teatro were something to do with Coemar, and Coemar still manufacture cyc floods of exactly the same style as we have a mixture of Teatro and Coemar ones in our hire stock, but they are exactly the same fixtures.
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Hey im sure teatro just owned the design and coemar made there products....teatro went busted and coemar took over some of there designs... Call Ben at Coemar uk and he will help you out with the missing link.


We have teatro followspots there not bad but cant get any spare's now last iris's came from Germany!

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