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Robe projectors using a pearl


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Hi guys,


I've recently come to a venue where they have Robe Dt3000's and they have been set up on the wheel so that they project stars! Now, for a rock venue I think this is a bit camp. I know how to get into the lights and change the gobo/ internal video, I just don't know how to update the existing pallette on the wheel to a different internal video so it's no longer stars.


Any help would be appreciated. I go up in like 2 n half hours.


Thanks much.



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thanks for the reply, but I already have the manual. It's more of a problem I have within the pearl. I'm using an expert running titan software. I've programmed a state into one of the masters on the wheel and it has stars as a gobo. I know how to change the gobo but I'm unsure as to how to update the state programmed into the wheel with a new gobo. I've looked right through the desk and I'm stumped.





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Correct me if I'm wrong but, I thought that when you updated a pallette it was automatically updated in any playbacks that may have been stored.




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Can you explain what you mean by 'programmed onto the wheel'? The wheels are not programmable other than by editing personality files.


/edit: Perhaps you mean 'rollers'? To update cues directly you simply merge on top of existing or, as said above, if the cues were built from palettes then replace/merge into the relevant palette to update all associated cues.

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Can you explain what you mean by 'programmed onto the wheel'? The wheels are not programmable other than by editing personality files.


/edit: Perhaps you mean 'rollers'? To update cues directly you simply merge on top of existing or, as said above, if the cues were built from palettes then replace/merge into the relevant palette to update all associated cues.


Sorry, I did mean rollers :D . I shall try the merge function on thursday. I'm new to the desk, like 4 days new to it, hence me getting confused as to the names of things, but I love it. I have seen the option to merge but I didn't explore it.


Thanks a lot and sorry again for the confusion.





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Just to expand on merge:


There is a user setting to define whether it prompts for merge/replace or always merge. If set to prompt then the shortcut to merge is to select the memory again (ie. double-tap).


When merging cues I recommend you use record by channel mode.

When merging palettes make sure mask and record mode are correct. It may be easiest to use mask=include all and 'mixed' record mode.

To remove attributes from memories use the OFF function and then merge.

If you need to merge a number of cues or palettes at once then latch the record cue/palette menu first (ML key). This can be particularly useful if you need to add or remove something from all steps of a chase - unfold the chase, hit Memory, latch and then double tap all of the playback masters. Just remember to exit any menus you have latched. Sometimes it's a good idea to unlatch before you exit so you don't get caught out later.

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