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Quietest Moving Light


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Horses for courses, I suppose, but in my experience well maintained Giottos are quieter than the Mac 5/600 range. From an LD's perspective, they also have a much whiter, crisper, beam. The Mac 550 comes close to the Giotto Spot, but still seems dimmer by comparison.


I saw a show in one of the Pleasance venues in Edinburgh this year, where there was a Giotto wash in use about 6ft above my head. I couldn't hear any noise from it above the ambient noise of the venue. I was quite impressed ...

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But a VL5 is nothing like a Pro+ - if someone wanted a washlamp why use a pro+ in the first place and vice versa!


If you compare the noise of a VL5 moving with that of a Pro+ moving and changing colour then they are probably much of a muchness.


I'd Look at Studio Colours and Studio Spots as they don't have fans in so like a VL5 should be completely silent when not doing anything.





The studio colours don't have fans but they make a hell of a lot of noise when they're moving, sound like a diesel engine. And they're huge. But apart from that good moving head wash lantern.

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Had a demo of the new soon to be released MAC 250 wash today. Cooling fans in the head very quiet almost silent well the quietest I have ever heard or not heard.

Quite a bit of pan and tilt noise though but this was a preproduction model and there are software and hardware changes to come.

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Had a demo of the new soon to be released MAC 250 wash today.

What differences are there between the Mac 300 and Mac 250 wash? New optics similar to the new 250s or something more special?



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The studio colours don't have fans but they make a hell of a lot of noise when they're moving, sound like a diesel engine. And they're huge. But apart from that good moving head wash lantern.


If you read the original post then you will see the issue is fan noise, and in a venue where once positions are set for a show and stay set there is no issue with movement noise.


FYI a Studiocolor is still smaller then a Profile +





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I have worked quite a lot with SGM Giottos (spots and washes) and was quite impressed with how quiet they were.


My last occasion was at the edinburgh festival where multiple units were installed in some cosy little venues, and larger ones too. In one venue I think the distance from a seated audience member's head to the fixture was approx five feet. We had no complaints from the punters or the LD's using the venues about the noise of the units.


The one thing I will say is that they're really quiet when they're in a position but if you decide to move a few of them into another position at the fastest possible yoke speed it can sound a bit like there's a colony of moomins in the theatre. This issue can be solved with good plotting though.


Hopefully someone else on this thread will remember the moomins! :stagecrew:



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  • 2 weeks later...
Yes the main changes are new outer shell to look like the new range and the optics are a lot better about 60% brighter they say. the colours wheel and mixing seem similar. It moves a bit quicker as well


Umm I dunno where you apparently has this demo of the 250 wash.. Because mainly.. they dont exist... if they are being released so soon as you claim, then there would be some kind of mention about them on websites other than DJ sales sites that also apparently do a mac 3000 :) & a mac 330, so I think youve been miss-informed about what you were being shown.


I can understand how you think that a mac 250 wash might exist, seeing as martin have been looking for years for a replacement for the mac300. And at plasa this year, I was talking to one of the guys there and there was orionally a plan to bring out a wash model of the new krypton/entour mac250s, but apparently that idea was scrapped because there was no need for one in the current market where people were happy with the performance of the 300 or just got a 600 if they had the money/budget.


Just clearing something up, im not insinuating that your maliciously lying to us.




Tom Grant (tokm)

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Because mainly.. they dont exist... if they are being released so soon as you claim, then there would be some kind of mention about them on website


It probably won't be on a sales website until they actually start manufacturering it. People higher up the food chain, such as major rental companies get to know about future products from large companies such as Martin, long before they actually role off the production line. Sometimes this can be at a very early stage, under a non-disclosure agreement. In this case Martin will probably be showing the initial production run - built for demo purposes, and to get the gremlins out the fixture and production process - to their larger clients, and trying to secure initial orders.


The existence of the Mac250 wash hasn't exactly been a seccret for some time.


Martin (not the company....)

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