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Technician Belt Tools


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Hello guys,


What kind of tools and accessories do you carry on your belt if you are a lighting technican?


What I mean by this is - like a pen knife, keys, walkie talkie etc.


Many Thanks,



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None on my belt. Not only do they make you look a bit of a tw@t, but they could also drop out while working at height.

What you need depends on each job. For rigging, you need different tools to focusing and again for get out.

I'm not in the business of permanant installs, but the tools you need to hand for that are different again.


So, yeah. Different jobs require different tools.

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Genneraly, I carry a quad (sometimes 2) both with lanyards, if your going to work at height all tools must be securley fitted to you belt with lanyards or other safety equipment.


Leatherman and a maglite, this is for general LX duties.

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I find my mag+leatherman useful and rarely go to work without them. In my pocket I always have a pen and a sharpie too. and some electrical tape. and at least a scrap of paper. plus often show/role specific stuff like tape measure, etc.
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Quite simply whatever I expect to need for the job I'm there to do.

Which as others have said can depend entirely on what that job is at that particular time!


Moot question, really.

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Standard items are a radio, torch and gerber... but this is case specific to my day to day roles. On other gigs I might only have a ratchet or tapemeasure, really depends what gig :rolleyes:
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Wallet (Front Left Pocket) (Pickpockets take note :rolleyes:)

Pen and Lighting Stylus (Front Right Pocket)

Lanyard with one of those carabiner things tucked into there as well.

Mobile Phone (Back Pocket)


And on the belt, Torch, Multitool and Stanley Knife.

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9 times out of 10 it's my Leatherman, LED Lenser (maglites just don't do it for me any more) and a radio.


None on my belt. Not only do they make you look a bit of a tw@t, but they could also drop out while working at height.

No, what makes you look like a tw@t is turning up on a job unprepared and without the correct equipment... turning up with an appropriate set of tools makes you look professional and prepared regardless of where you carry them. The suggestion that you shouldn't carry anything on your belt in case you need to work at height also seems a bit short sighted. I carry things in my pockets, my hands, even my teeth at times but if I have to go up in the grid I put them down / take them out... It's not rocket science!


If it can't be resolved with a maglite and a leatherman, then it's time to get the spare out!

...Or a podger!

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No, what makes you look like a tw@t is turning up on a job unprepared and without the correct equipment... turning up with an appropriate set of tools makes you look professional and prepared regardless of where you carry them. The suggestion that you shouldn't carry anything on your belt in case you need to work at height also seems a bit short sighted. I carry things in my pockets, my hands, even my teeth at times but if I have to go up in the grid I put them down / take them out... It's not rocket science!


Agreed. Not only are you wasting your time but you're wasting everybody else's time. H&S is a priority, of course, but even if you're working on the floor and someone needs something up the tallescope, you have it there and then, and don't have to leave them stranded.

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...Or a podger!


Ah the podger.... Haven't had to beat anything into submission with one for yonks....

Purchased a luvverly new 'quad' podger from that nice young man at Hall Stage whilst down at ABTT the other week (even though he completely FAILED to find a new pair of fingerless rigger's gloves that fit my hands...).


Nifty little spring-loaded head that gives you 4 useful sizes of socket - means I now have an alternative to a quad spanner that also doubles as a hammer...!!


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