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Electro Voice XW15A Wedges touch up paint?


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Hi, I have some EV XW15A wedges, which have started to cosmetically look bad, they're beginning to get scuffed and chipped even though they are kept in flight cases, as they are used for corporate jobs so need to look the bees knees. As with any normal cab, you would just repaint them, But these are plastic cover coated, so makes it some what difficult, any ideas? Any help would be appreciated, Thanks
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I've had some success on similar products with Plastikote Super. If the plastic is smooth you need to use their primer first and make sure you follow prep instructions very carefully.



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Thanks for the idea, although it is a textured finish.


I think what was being said by Robin D, is that the this paint will do the job but if the finish is smooth then you need to prepare the surface correctly in order that the new paint stays on.


If you have a textured surface the paint will do the job and as it already has a good key less preparation is required.

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