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Which system would you rather have ?


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The room is about 12m by 12m with about 80 people


Music is wide ranging, everything from the 60's upto the latest chart realises


Does the sound from a single sub bland seamlessly with 2 satelites or do you get the feeling that there are 3 speakers in the room ?





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The room is about 12m by 12m with about 80 people


Music is wide ranging, everything from the 60's upto the latest chart realises


Does the sound from a single sub bland seamlessly with 2 satelites or do you get the feeling that there are 3 speakers in the room ?






Generally speaking subwoofers blend with the mid-top cabs as they are omnidirectional, however if you have the sub at the opposite end of the room it will be noticable, as long as the sub is on the same side as the mid-top cabs it should be fine.

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One thing I look at more the older I get is the weight. :D

I'd rather not be lifting heavy tops on to stands so I'd prefer the 10" + sub option (in fact that's what I'm just about to buy, but ART 310As and an ART 705-AS sub).

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It depends on what you are intending to amplify through your PA. If your just going to use it for micing vocals, piano etc then you would not benefit much from having a sub unlike if you were to mic the bass, kick etc.


I've only heard the RCF 722a's but if the RCF 710a's are anything like them, they should sound nice and clear.

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It depends on what you are intending to amplify through your PA. If your just going to use it for micing vocals, piano etc then you would not benefit much from having a sub

Well, I know it seems easy to suggest something based on your nowadays needs, but remember: if you're micing folk/country couples and piano concerts today, doesnt mean you wont ever need a sub... I particullarly got this problem myself and would say: Get what makes a more complete job. If they cost the same and do the job for 80 ppl audience, why choosing NOT having a sub when you can?... just wondering if in a year or twoyou won't receieve a jazz trio which will need kick micing and bass in-line... But hey, its just a new guy's experience... get some clues with older guys and check the venues ofyour area to see what they choose. I say: The wider, the best. :D

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Music is wide ranging, everything from the 60's upto the latest chart realises


So it looks like it's recorded music, not live, and according to the OP's profile, he/she runs a jive dance venue. I think I'd go for the sub on this count, too.

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Thank you everyone for all your input


Yes it is all recorded music I play, nothing live


The RCF art 722 has the 2'' top end driver which from what I have read on these forum is better than the 1'' driver in the RCF art 710. It's allows RCF to have a 1200 Hz crossover point for the 710A against 1700 Hz for the 710A which results in a smoother midrange ?


Also from what I has read the RCF 902AS is very nearly as good as the larger and heavier RCF 905AS


I am thinking at the moment that the 722's may produce a slightly better quality sound but the 710's and 902AS combo but the latter combo will have more bottom end and punch and extension ?


I have seen on the net the 710's and 902AS as a package for £2050 seems like a good deal


Also out of interest RCF now have a ART 908AS on their website, I don't think that was their a few days ago





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Also out of interest RCF now have a ART 908AS on their website, I don't think that was their a few days ago


And next week you'll probably find more new products on other companies websites, that weren't there a week ago.......


Technology moves on, now try to keep up :** laughs out loud **:

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