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WYSIWYG Installation woes...


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Hi All, I'll be firing off an email to CAST in addition to this post, but given that it's 10pm now, I'm not holding out much hope of a reply until after the weekend, so I was wondering if anyone on the forum can help...


We (work) have a dongle licensed up to WYG Release 16, but lately I seem to be having trouble actually getting WYSIWYG to install on my own computers in order to work on files at home (using the dongle).


I'm using the WYG116w.exe setup file to install, but setup seems to get about 3/4 of the way through and then decide there is not enough disk space. I have had this installed on my own computer before, but now it won't seem to install on any of my machines. There is definitely adequate disk space, I know I have used this setup file before, and I have tried it on two different Windows XP laptops and under Virtual PC running Windows 2000 SP4, all with the same result.


Let me know if more information is required!





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Don't know if it will help you, but when installing Wysiwyg on bootcamp on my mac it would almost get to the end of the installation and then fail. Can't remember the error message exactly, but it turned out to be because I had formatted my Bootcamp partition to be FAT32 (so I could read and write from the macOS.)

WYSIWYG on the other hand - if you actually read the system requirement specs somewhere in the install wizard/readme, requires the hard drive to be formatted to NTFS. I only found this out after several attempts at bootcamp install and an XP machine install. Consequently my bootcamp partition is now NTFS, and on my XP machine rather than re-formatting the C drive, I re-formatted an empty partition to NTFS, and installed WYSIWYG to there, and it seems to be working.

Oh, I also remember that if using XP, it also requires service pack 2. Don't know if that may also be an issue.


Hope this helps




EDIT: Gareth beat me to it, darn, must type faster!

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Thanks guys, I did wonder about that, but I could have sworn I've had it on Fat32 drives before...Maybe that was an older revision though!


That explanation does make sense though as it won't go onto any of my laptops, but it will go on my finacee's, which isn't dual-booting with Windows 98!


Ah well, it's about time my laptops had a reformat anyway!





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Thanks guys, I did wonder about that, but I could have sworn I've had it on Fat32 drives before...Maybe that was an older revision though!


That explanation does make sense though as it won't go onto any of my laptops, but it will go on my finacee's, which isn't dual-booting with Windows 98!


Ah well, it's about time my laptops had a reformat anyway!







Older versions will install on FAT 32 systems but we are talking very old. Pre Release 14. Its currently at Release 25. You may be lucky wih Cast, but they are likely to say you need to upgrade your Wyg dongle prior to them being able to help.

Their policy is, for support your dongle needs to be up to date or at least within a release or so.




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