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Stage Cloth


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I am putting on a production of Sweet Charity soon, and the theatre we use has a lovely polished wood floor which is great for splashing light all over the place!


I want to cover this with a stage cloth and I have the following questions


What is the best material to use and where to get it?


What is best to colour this?


And best way to fasten it out in a non-destructive way to the floor?


Many thanks

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Stage cloths are usually canvas as far as Im aware, I would have thought most theatrical suppliers would be able to sort you out. Having said that a quick google turned up this. They may have something that might help you though not sure if this is hire or sale - hire I think which may not be that useful considering you would have to repaint probably.

As for colours what takes your fancy? Why not make it part of the set. Fastenings? You could try carpet tape if you really dont want to leave any marks though how useful that would be in reality is another question. Best bet I would have thought is some discreet nails around the very edges which may not be possible in your circumstance. Hope that helps some - its some time since Ive been involved in a theatre production, Im probably more than a little rusty.

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McDougals - 020 85342921 in London or JC Joels (01422 833 835) in Bradford will both happily advice you, make up and sell you a floor cloth. Cotton Duck (similar to canvas) is normally used and comes unbleached (which you can paint) or Black.


I think though that you will have trouble fixing it down securely any other way than nailing it down.


Have you thought about using dance floor instead? Obviously much more expensive but I'm told there is a fair bit of second hand stuff kicking around. I know for a fact that the Jerwood Space in London have loads of old black/white Harlequin floor they want to sell. Looked in pretty good condition. You could then paint it to what ever you wanted.

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If you're painting it once it's in position, remember to lay some polythene sheeting down first, or you'll end up also painting the stage! You're right, lighting a polished stage is not fun. Followspots bouncing up the cyc etc...
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In the past I have seen floor cloths used with no fixing at all. Remember that by the time it gets used, particularly if it is second hand, it will probably have several layers of paint on it.


So lay it well in advance, allow any wrinkles to flatten themselves out - and unless you have a lot of heavy scenery moving on and off it during the performance, then you should be OK.

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Gerriets do a latex-backed canvas stagecloth called 'Samos Plus', which would solve your problem. It requires minimal taping down and doesn't move at all. It is very heavy in bulk however, so a complete stagecloth would be totally unwieldy. But you can use it in strips like dance lino and it still doesn't need taped.
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Thanks all,


I have seen the harlequin flooring and it was very good, but expensive. I think a cloth would be best and a grey cloth with stippling would tie into the set very well.

Mikey, thanks for your offer, we would need a piece about 36 foot square, but I am in Leicestershire. If you PM me, we can discuss.


What a great resouce the blue room is!

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  • 1 year later...

Ian P ....

"Sweet Charity" - that's a lot of dance numbers ~ rhythm of life, big spender, I love to cry at weddings, rich man's frug....


Just make sure your stage cloth (if that is what you are going with) is securely fixed without wrinkles, lumps & bumps, or you will have complaints from dancers and possible injuries if the dancers aren't able to move safely across the floor.

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  • 2 years later...
Mikey in Glasgow. We need 6m x 3.5m floor cloth for our village hall and are near enough to Glasgow.

Tell me more,please Gibson


I doubt very much you will get a response to this 4 year old thread.

Mikey hasn't been seen since October 2007.......


Probably better if you would start a new thread, there are many helpful people on this forum that could help you.

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