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Zero 88 Elara Playing Up

Ashley R

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Hi All


Ive Just Bought a 2nd Hand Elara 12/24 and its doing some funny things.


Whats happening is that on fader number 16 or fader number 4 on preset B seems to control the blackout function.


So if I set our dimmer rack to start ch 1 (12ch rack) every ch works fine except for 4 and they will only work if fader 16 is above 5% if it is below that then nothing works.


Ive tryed Different items into the desk and cables so it's definitely got to be a fault with the console. The Guy I bought it off did say though that he had replaced Faders 12-16 because someone had smashed the top bit off. Maybe this is the source of the problem a dodgy fader module?


So simply What is wrong and how do I go about fixing it. and any alternatives to taking it to the one distributor in Australia? as this desk only cost me $100


Thanks for your help in advance

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The Guy I bought it off did say though that he had replaced Faders 12-16 because someone had smashed the top bit off. Maybe this is the source of the problem a dodgy fader module?



I've seen at least two Elaras which have had faders replaced where doing so caused similar faults. The cause was that in replacing faders people had damaged PCB tracks connected to other faders.


If you contact Zero88 and ask nicely they will tell you how to put the desk into test mode which allows you to check the operation of every switch and fader.

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If you contact Zero88 and ask nicely they will tell you how to put the desk into test mode which allows you to check the operation of every switch and fader.


Thanks for that brian.


Contact Zero 88 Directly? The head office in the UK? or contact my local distributer?

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Contact Zero 88 Directly? The head office in the UK? or contact my local distributer?


Your distributor may or may not be all that clued up on the Elara, as it's now a discontinued line. You can certainly give them a call, although I you may not get anywhere.


My next port of call would be the Zero88 support forum which will no doubt get you an answer from someone in the UK, but without all that tedious messing around with getting the right time zone!

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Thank you all for your help.


I emailed Zero 88 and they most helpful. I have found a few faults with some of the faders so we will see what happens when I replace them.

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Just thought id let everyone know what was the fault.


There was a microscopic whisker that was on the top side of the PCB that was hidden under neath the fader. And it was shorting out the contacts.


Thanks Goes to everyone who posted. Especially Brian for steering me to the Zero 88 Tech Guys and to Zero 88 - Really Good customer Support!

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