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Don McLean tour sound

Andrew C

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If anyone involved with the noise for Don McLean's current tour (saw him last night in B'mouth) kudos! He's touring with a girl who plays guitar and sings really quite songs. Every word Lesley Rowley sang could be heard perfectly, all the way to the back of the circle. She's GOOD, well worth a listen, unless you are her ex boyfriend who started singing bitchy songs about her...


McLean? Started badly, a rambling mess, but it sounded great. Got it together by the end, but...

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Go on, you can't have sat there for 3 hours and not noticed the band of PA, desk, etc..


Not all of us are too interested in which box the kit came out of, merely the results achieved by the professionals who drive them...

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Go on, you can't have sat there for 3 hours and not noticed the band of PA, desk, etc
From the back of the circle, it was a tad hard to see! 3 HUGE subs a side, and a small line array ground stacked. is all I can tell you. Couldn't see the desk at all.


In-house lighting, mostly orange, and truth to tell a bit dull. I suspect it was what was asked for. The profiles around the back of the circle could do with their lenses being cleaned. Lots of spill on the bald head in front of me.

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Thames Audio are the main contractor for the tour with James Tebb doing FOH sound, however us at HPSS are supplying a 9 box dV-DOSC system with dV subs and sb218 for the front of house speaker system, I am system tech and have designed and rigged the system in each venue in England. There are some photo's of the Royal Albert Hall gig (well the speakers) on my Face book page I will also publish a news story on our website www.hpss.co.uk once I get home from the tour, assuming I get enough time. If you want to ask specifics about the system in each venue then by all means ask.


At the RHA a total of 50 speakers and 450m of socapex speaker cable were flown to gain 360 degree coverage (yes they sold the choir stalls as well).

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Thames Audio are the main contractor for the tour with James Tebb doing FOH sound, however us at HPSS are supplying a 9 box dV-DOSC system with dV subs and sb218 for the front of house speaker system, I am system tech and have designed and rigged the system in each venue in England. There are some photo's of the Royal Albert Hall gig (well the speakers) on my Face book page I will also publish a news story on our website www.hpss.co.uk once I get home from the tour, assuming I get enough time. If you want to ask specifics about the system in each venue then by all means ask.


At the RHA a total of 50 speakers and 450m of socapex speaker cable were flown to gain 360 degree coverage (yes they sold the choir stalls as well).



Corection 9 per side dV-DOSC system in the truck but not always all used.

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