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Strand 300 Console.

Ashley R

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Basically what the others have said - the 300 is MORE than man enough to cope with a handful of movers plus a goodly number of generic fixtures, BUT I would certainly check what attributes your fixtures are going to swallow.

You've said you've been quoted 200 control channels - that's something else I'd check, as the Strand desks are usually given as channels/attributes - eg 125/125, and MOST of the setups give you equal numbers of each. The fact that you've said 200 leads me to say that you have a 100/100, as I don't think there was a 200/200 option available.


Paul says you're at school - is that correct? If so, the 16 hour in/show/out is most certainly a HUGE undertaking for you as a student and not one I'd expect you to undertake - certainly not solo, and definitely not without some serious hands-on time on the desk!!


I think you REALLY need to take a good look at what other options you might have....

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if I were you I think id phone in sick. 16 hours to rig 150 lights, cable them up, focus them. then try to program the show whilst in the middle of a rehearsal . then run the show, de-rig , all in 16 hours. NO !!oh, and using a strand 300 for the generics , and an elara for the flashy movers ? no dear .
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Paulears: I wish 150 moving fixtures :P . I don't expect to see that many under my control for a good number of years.


Gareth: you are correct there are approximately 100 in house conventional plus we are bringing in another 40 conventional plus 6-10 moving lights.


Ynot: Yes you and Paul are correct I am at school. <_< But I am basically their head Lighting tech. I do all the repairs and servicing(at a cost), supply equipment and almost every time you see something that's been lit Ive been involved somewhere. Oh and I do have quite a large influence in what gets purchased but obviously I don't make the final decision.


This is one reason why I am contemplating running all the flashy stuff that I need quick control over through our Zero 88 Elara 24/48 and all the moving lights through a Studio Due control 5. and simply use the Strand 300 for lights up and lights down white light.


Also I am trying to figure out a way to Pre rig Global F33 Tri Truss and then load in the back of a 3 ton truck and load into the venue with only a few connections to hook up. I am thinking some kind of dolly with clamps and wheels. if anyone has any better solutions feel free to add them on.


Its a music concert type thing and the main song that they are doing is Your the Voice. so I've gone for a heap of Par cans to keep in style with the music and simply we have access to alot of them very cheaply or for free. and then there is some more crazy stuff that would be suited to a dance party as the Audience will be 90% made up of under 18's to keep them entertained. B-)


Oh and this will have to be really really really organised as we will have about 30 students during the bump in. (My school usually tells me the day before anything happens that they want something rigged and done ;) )


Thanks for all your help so far


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if I were you I think id phone in sick. 16 hours to rig 150 lights, cable them up, focus them. then try to program the show whilst in the middle of a rehearsal . then run the show, de-rig , all in 16 hours. NO !!oh, and using a strand 300 for the generics , and an elara for the flashy movers ? no dear .


did I say I was using the elara for the movers? whoopsy :blink: then better edit that.


The elara is going to be used for the flashy conventional lighting. as I am setting up 40 Par 56 cans on the floor in arrays and blinders etc. and this is what the elara is going to be controlling.


I have a Studio Due Control 5 which will be running the moving lights (6-10)


And I have access to both these consoles and all the fixtures we are bringing in weeks in advance as I own them (no joke I own them :blink: )


and I plan on useing the Strand 300 for basiclly the white wash as I will not be able to pre program that for obvious reasons (I think).


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And I do this because I want to. basically for the love of it and because I don't want a repeat of 2 years ago which was very dull and bland.


its a compulsory event for the whole school that's why so many people under the age of 18 I saw most people were doing other things besides what was happening on stage.


so my aim is to make it visually more attractive and exciting :** laughs out loud **:


well hopefully

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