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How to dim a Roboscan 812?


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Hi all


I'm new here.

I'm working on a theater project and getting to know Mambo Frog.


They told me that there will be some RoboScan 812.


Now I've seen that this fixture doesn't offer any dimming feature.

Is there any possibility or workaround (beside the blackout with the gobo)?




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You can't dim the 812.


Slowly moving the shutter as mentioned won't give the desired effect, as it is in the same focal position as the gobo wheel......

All you can do is 'snap' to black out.


FYI the lamp is a CSS/HTI 150 discharge lamp.


As with any intelligent fixture, NEVER connect to a dimmer circuit ;)


EDIT: Wait... ;) the 812 doesn't have a shutter, just colour and gobo wheels. Hmm... wonder what I was thinking of? :P

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As mentioned you can't actually dim the 812..

You can 'sort off' dim it using the gobo wheel, you have to use the first gobo (basically fully open - no gobo), and move it to the closed position.

You can use the colour wheel too, but the first colour is white. So if you wanted to keep a specific gobo you can, as long as you want it white.. and don't mind part the gobo being obscured.


Gobo / color speed can govern the fade out speed..


Anyone with the 2410 preset controller.. program 11 uses this to create a fade out type effect.

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Yes thats right now, I remember - its the colour wheel- but im sure that on a martin controller you could choose to either default snap between colours / gobos or 'fade' between them thus creating a smoothish fade to black.


its been a long time no using these so im sorry if im talking sh***!. I guess switching them to vector mode and opping through a lighting desk would give the best results.


At the time, (13 years ago) I thought these were cracking litttle scanners and I had 6 at the school I was working at. Used to use them all the time in shows and had them 'dimming' and 'fading up' nicely with the rest of the state - running off a Siruis 250.


Happy Days - :P

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is there not a strobe option on the 812s?

It's been a LONG while since I played with one, and never in anger, but I seem to recall it could strobe - so what facilitated the strobe?

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Strobe's on ch 1 - but a weird set of colour and gobo strobing - so strobe speed isn't amazingly fast, but as the colour and gobo wheel have blank positions you can black them out two ways. Colour's on ch 2, gobo on 3, pan and tilt 4&5, 6 is the movement speed vector mode ch, and gobo/colour wheel vector control on 7.
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Strobe's on ch 1 - but a weird set of colour and gobo strobing - so strobe speed isn't amazingly fast, but as the colour and gobo wheel have blank positions you can black them out two ways. Colour's on ch 2, gobo on 3, pan and tilt 4&5, 6 is the movement speed vector mode ch, and gobo/colour wheel vector control on 7.



I will test this one. (And others that will come up)


Thanks to all for the contribution!


Regards from Switzerland

near the Rhinefalls


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