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Risk Assessment Received


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How about this risk assessment included with a rider


RISK----------------------CONTROL MEASURE

Whiplash of the face This has been rehearsed and is very unlikely to happen.



The actual thing going on is an unlit cigarette being 'whipped' out of the mouth!


Sounds, er, interesting!

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how long will it be until I have to RA my Fag Breaks:


RISK: Death from Smoking Related Illness




CONTROL MEASURES: Attempts Could be made to quit smoking. however these are unlikely to succeed.




Which I believe means I'd be stopped from having a fag break... :pissedoff:

And thats before the risk of burns, fire, exposure to the elements....



still rather smoke it than have it whipped out my mouth though...

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I used to play in a tribute band where the two frontmen performed this stunt during the song Rawhide. Rehearsal or not, the guy with the cigarette in his mouth occasionally got bullwhipped in the face, but by gum, he were a trooper and he never complained about how drunk the guy with the whip was.


Can someone explain why the venue needs show content such as this risk assessing? Is it to verify that the performers know what they're doing, and have considered all the possible consequences of their actions? Is it just to warn venue owners what to expect? Is it commonplace nowadays?


I'm more or less retired from live performance now, but if I want to work seriously as a musician again, will I have to provide risk assessments for every aspect of my being in someone elses building in charge of a drumkit? Along with appropriate public liability insurance, PAT certs for everything with a plug, a manual handling cert for humping kit to and from the van, working at height cert for getting on and off a stage or riser safely etc etc....


All together now...."it's 'elf & safety gawn maaaaaaaaaad!"


Or do they just tell me all this to prevent me from dusting off the old kit and giving it another go......??? Come on....I wasn't that bad, was I???

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