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Avo OFFLine Visualizer?


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Anyways, I am using the AvoLites offline vis. with the Pearl Simulator 2004. I can patch it all and control it all etc. fine, but I can only view it in wireframe, because if I click 'Solid', the screen (the visualisation panel) goes black, as if I have added nothing to the scene. Any ideas how I can get this working (like an updated version or patch - no pun intended :D )?? Cheers :D


Oh, by the way, I have looked on the interenet and cannot find anything about it.

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I think for solid you have to essentially use the computer vis was written on.

I think I asked avo about this a while back and was told "if it works for you, great, if not oh well" as it's a free thing and they don't develop it any more.

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Solid has never worked.


But hey, think of all power you save that would otherwise be cooking your graphics card and/or processor. In all seriousness I have deliberately chosen to preprogram complex shows in the Avo wireframe rather than the realism of things like ESP Vision simply because it was quicker and didn't heat my room up uncomfortably.

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Solid has never worked.


But hey, think of all power you save that would otherwise be cooking your graphics card and/or processor. In all seriousness I have deliberately chosen to preprogram complex shows in the Avo wireframe rather than the realism of things like ESP Vision simply because it was quicker and didn't heat my room up uncomfortably.


haha.. fair enough! :blink:

In all fairness, the Avo vis runs extremeley fast on wireframe (as in a smooth render), unlike ESP which takes forever to move one light a few degrees!


Also, I have found when using the Pearl Simulator with the vis, none of the fixtures have any gobos, they only have numbers (like gobo 1 is a projection of the number 1 etc.).

Is there any way to make the visualiser have the actual gobos so I can plan more accuratley (especially for a Mac 250 en)? Can I do this with the prism effect too?

Cheers!! :rolleyes:

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You need fast graphics card for ESP. ie. Nvidia 8800


I answered the gobo question here. I suggest you might be better off asking more in depth questions on the Avo forum. After you've searched there, obviously ;)


Hi! Thanks for that, it practically answered all of my questions!! :pissedoff:

The only thing is (after finding the additional gobos in design view) how do I then get these to work with the Pearl sim?

Cheers! :D

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You would need to edit the related Vis file in VisWiz application where you can associate your preferred gobo with the appropriate DMX values. Reasonably involved but not so difficult once you get your head around it. The most important thing to do first would be to get the exact DMX values for each gobo from the fixture manual and, by using design mode, write down which gobos you want for each slot.
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You would need to edit the related Vis file in VisWiz application where you can associate your preferred gobo with the appropriate DMX values. Reasonably involved but not so difficult once you get your head around it. The most important thing to do first would be to get the exact DMX values for each gobo from the fixture manual and, by using design mode, write down which gobos you want for each slot.


Ok cool

Thanks! :pissedoff:

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