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Drum kit overhead mics


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A pair of SE electronics Se1a's is a very cheap way of getting a pair pf reasonably decent mics onto the job. I have a pair and they're my weapon of choice on a budget for overheads. To be honest, the behringer small diaphragm condensers aren't THAT bad for drum overheads. I've always been interested in the Beyer MCE530's for drum overheards and as a general use small diaphragm condenser, especially as the stereo mount of the stereo set looks quite interesting and low profile/weight - ideal for drum overheads.
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This is a massive question, because the answer really depends on a lot of things, not least of which is in what style do you intend to mic the kit? Some events/engineers call for overheads that are far from the cymbals, some for overheads that are close. Some want true stereo (eg. some thing X-Y or MS), some want to localise specific cymbals or pick up specific characteristics of the space.


For the work I'm currently doing, I have been under-micing the cymbals of the drum kit. This is for a number of reasons:

1. I'm working in an environment where I dont want to pick up much ambient sound

2. I'm not looking for an overall 'image' of the kit, just the cymbals

3. I need a lot of control over the balance of the individual cymbals

4. It needs to look clean on TV, and no overhead mics looks clean on TV...


I'm using Neumann KM184s clamped to the cymbal stands. 1 on the ride, 2 on the crash cymbals and one on a clamp micing the Hats (from the top, in the usual fashion). Works like a charm

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However, virtually as good for a lot less money are the SE1As I have


I've got a pair of these for cheapo gigs as well, they're great value for money B-)


For higher budget shows I stick with 414s

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