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Mac 500 pan/tilt fault


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Got a couple of macs with problems one wont pan and the other wont tilt....I have swapped the driver ic`s and still no change...must be on the board somewhere as I have swapped with an ok board and all goes ok..........any Ideas ??......Thanks........... Dave
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What if you plug the pan cables in to the tilt to see if you can get any control there? Or, continuity test the loom between the PCB and the head to check you don't have a break in the loom? Does the thing calibrate when you start it up or is the fault present from power on?
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Yep swapped pan and tilt connectors and the problem goes to the Pan so its on the board before the main driver output somewhere.........


Did the original drivers fry? If so check the socket for signs of damage, when the drivers go, they generate enough heat to damage the board, also there are some resistor around the socket that can become O/C.

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Yep swapped pan and tilt connectors and the problem goes to the Pan so its on the board before the main driver output somewhere.........


Did the original drivers fry? If so check the socket for signs of damage, when the drivers go, they generate enough heat to damage the board, also there are some resistor around the socket that can become O/C.


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swapped the drivers over and they seem to work....will check the board and resisters tho....thanks

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