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We've done this topic quite a few times - sticking 'cheap intercom' into the search box and searching just the blue room, found ...


this one

this one

this one

this one


and quite a few others.


For what it's worth, the DIY system you linked to works fine, but lacks a few of the niceties - in particular cancellation of your own voice, side-tone - to give it the proper name. It doesn't have flashing lights and other gizmos - but it does work on batteries, which might be handy. For the price of the bits, it works out at around 15% of the price of the ever so popular Tecpro pack, but that's ignoring the power supply for those that's quite expensive too.


If I had the choice, I'd go tecpro every time, but on a low budget? Maybe I'd build a set of these. However - I tend to think I'd rather spend the money on hiring some in - which is quite cheap. I suppose it depends on if you want to keep them for a long time, but if I was doing that, then I'd build in better quality sockets - jacks, especially 3,5mm are dreadfully fragile. I suspect that a centralised power supply would also be handy, and quite simple to mod into the design.

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I need to make a temporary cans system for a gig coming up.

Sorry, but WHY do you need to MAKE a comms setup??

Have you looked into how much a decent quality hired system would cost you??

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Indeed. Since you say it's a "temporary" intercom system, the cost of renting good gear probably wouldn't be much different from the parts you'd need to build something--and, if you factor in your time, it'd be a lot cheaper.



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