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Sorry if this is an old topic that's been gone over...

I want to do a 2 year course in technical theatre that will give me a good base to start work in the industry,where I can learn sound, lighting, stage management and set/props construction. I have already got a degree in a different subject and can't get a student loan, which is why I am looking at a college rather than a university course. I am North West based and am assured by several websites that Oldham college has an HND, but their website just shows an ND. Can anyone tell me if there was ever an HND there?

Also, can anyone recommend a North West based tech course? Please suggest uni courses/ courses in other areas too if you think they're really good, as I may have to just get a bank loan if that's the only way.


thanks for reading,



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The production pathway in BTEC at Level 3 and 4 is not really that popular in comparison to the performance one, so very often if numbers are not too hot, they get cancelled - BUT they advertise. The simplest thing to do is to Give Edexcel a ring and ask if they can give you an up-to-date list of HNDs running. There was some rumour that HNDs would die away, but they have been re-written ready to start the next intake on the new version, starting September - it's not clear which colleges will be interested. Many, Like Oldham did have it on the books - but the PLASA list is sadly very out of date. My own course at ND level is still on there, and they stopped that when I left in 2004!
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Thanks Paulears, I'll get into them. Just another quick question; would you recommend an ND or going straight for an HND? I'm 32 and would rather get a move on, but obviously don't want to miss out important levels. I have friends who are professionals who are willing to let me watch and learn while they work, and teach me as much as they can.




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If you can, find an HND if you really want to go back to education - dropping to ND would probably annoy you too much. If you have a degree you'll be used to the evaluative and analytical elements - and the self-study/self-teaching that happens at HE. The other thing would be that people working at the lower effort/ability level of ND would probably drive you mad! The one phrase you hear all the time, and one that I hate is "That'll do!" - meaning, in practical terms, that's enough for a grade, so I shan't bother to do any more!
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IIRC from applying 2 years ago, Oldham now run a FdA / BA Tech Theatre Course through the University of Huddersfield. I know that at least 1 member on here is a student on this current course, so hopefully theymay show their face with a better opinion than mine!
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Thanks everyone. Reading through some other posts on the site I've seen mention of short courses, PASMA, NRC, PAT, MEWP, so I'm going to look into those, and some ABTT courses. Is there any particular course of this kind that would be particularly relevant for a stage management trainee?

thanks a lot,



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The trouble is that there are not actually that many real paying jobs around for stage management, and to be very honest, whenever I want one, within a couple of calls, I find one who I know is excellent - but not working. I'm really guilty of nepotism - why trust a stranger, when you have a decent list of solid people for almost every eventuality. I'm also more aware I'm not indestructible any longer, so often pass on my jobs to somebody else because I'm just too old - keeping the nice ones (and of course, the best paying ones to myself).


I'm not really sure that we should encourage people to go into backstage work, unless they've already demonstrated a real conviction - like many of the 14+ people on here, who in 6 or 7 years, if they're still in the industry, become excellent people. Backstage is never like acting - where strangers audition. We suddenly need people, and already have the contacts. This makes it really difficult to 'get in'. HE, sadly, is now just an accepted extra 3 years of compulsory education for people who are just putting things off! Obviously, this doesn't apply to everyone - but sadly, many graduates are just never going to get employment in their study area!


If you are really keen - then do as many amateur shows as you can to get experience, bully your local theatre into putting you on the casual list and get real experience that way!

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