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Newbie in need of help with DMX control of KAM Powerbars


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Sorry if this is a totally stupid posting but I'm very much a newbie and struggling with the technology


I have invested in a pair of KAM Powerbars for lighting my band and although the foot switch control has been fine for general lighting I felt it was time to go a bit further and and borrowed a Stage 24 Scene Setter to be able to - well, set scenes I suppose :-)


Afraid though that it has got the better of me and although I'm reading through both manuals I can't get the par cans to respond at all.

I appear to be able to get the desk programmed but I'm obviously not setting up the bar properly - it seems to be in DMX mode OK but I don't know if I'm not setting it up correctly to address each par can or what :-(



Now in a totally confused state and going round in circles and any help greatly appreciated.

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Just try setting the address to 1. Use only one par, one cable, directly into the desk. Have a play about with that and get that working, then slowly start adding more pars.


A silly thing that has got me before, is that the switches on the dip-switches have been upside down, Have a close look, the word "on" should be written in one of the corners.


Good luck, and let us know how you are getting on!





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I saw one of these in a local store on Thursday..


As an owner, how do you rate them, as I might invest in a pair?

Would I be correct in assuming the light output is equivalent to an average PAR 56 can?

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Hi Andy


Many thanks for the time .

I had gone for the KAM Power bar instead of separate pars as they "seemed" idiot proof and I didn't have to ( or couldn't) set up each individually.


Unfortunately I had underestimated my level of stupidity when trying to sort out both the bars and program the desk at the same time :-(


The answer ( once I had stood back from it yet again) was of course in the 4 page manual I had read and re-read, but obviously not quite taken in -

I'm almost too embarrassed to admit it but I had managed to turn down the master dimmer (on channel 2 ) when I was mucking about with the desk each time - Doh! Working now though and out tonight to set them in anger


Thanks again for your time - much appreciated










Just try setting the address to 1. Use only one par, one cable, directly into the desk. Have a play about with that and get that working, then slowly start adding more pars.


A silly thing that has got me before, is that the switches on the dip-switches have been upside down, Have a close look, the word "on" should be written in one of the corners.


Good luck, and let us know how you are getting on!






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I saw one of these in a local store on Thursday..

As an owner, how do you rate them, as I might invest in a pair?

Would I be correct in assuming the light output is equivalent to an average PAR 56 can?


To be honest I haven't really done a proper comparison but have heard that said of them . They are certainly a lot brighter than the KAM's Parbar ( which I've used for general wash a small quartet gigs) and give me flexibility for the 14 piece band.


Other reasons I went for the powerbar on the end really was that they didn't take up as much room in the car and they certainly set up quickly.

I had also looked at the Stairville HL-X High-Power LED Washlight from Thomann which I'd used before for a general wash but didn't didn't have the same flexibility.


I see that Thomann now also have a very similar bar with 3W RGB TRI-Color LEDs which is coming in cheaper that the KAMs and you might want to check them out.





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The obvious question is whether your units are 5 or 3 pin ins/outs.

If both are 5 pin then the signal orientation SHOULD be correct, but if EITHER of them has a 3-pin XLR then there's a high chance that there could well be a reversal.


Search here for DMX reversal or look at the Wiki for more info there, as it's been covered MANY times.


EDIT: A quick Google shows me that the Power bar IS 3-pin, so there's your starting point.

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