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Projector for College Performances -£1900?

Ian der Laan

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Hi, I have been allocated £1k (max, incl.VAT - non negotiable) for a projector. It will be used in a variety of applications from Perfroming Arts perfomances to fashion shows and conferences. Typical distance to project will be in the region of 5-10m through theatre lights.

Can anyone suggest any models I should consider? Or should I negotiate to get other equipment instead and wait for a bigger chunk of funding to become available for a projector?




Oops just realised the mistake in the thread title.. if anyone can suggest a something to suit my needs for less than a quid, I'll be chuffed!!


Moderation: Fixed the topic title for you!!

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Don't forget stuff like clamps and stands, they are quite a bit as well.


I have a good rep who got me a canon sx7 for I think it was 2k total in unicol 2m bar + clamps and 10mVGA. But ex demo sx6's are worth a look.

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Don't forget stuff like clamps and stands, they are quite a bit as well.


I have a good rep who got me a canon sx7 for I think it was 2k total in unicol 2m bar + clamps and 10mVGA. But ex demo sx6's are worth a look.



who's that from? I have told my boss earlier that I dont think I could get anything suitable for 1k and he's now increased my budget to £1900!!!


edit: moderators, would you mind altering the thread title for me (again) please to <£1900? cheers!

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anyone tried one of these?



Nice unit, bright, reliable etc....


But if you read the ad the projector comes with no lens! The lens comes in at over £900 extra!(and that's just for the long throw, a short throw or mid range zoom will cost significantly more!!!)


Also you would be looking at £200-£300 for the mounting kit (and much more if you want a security cage!) + £100-£200 for wiring kit and wall plate...


And on top of all this you would have to budget for the installation itself...(unless you want to do it yourself... ...for free!!)


So all in all you may need to re-asess your budget and requirements...


Hope this helps :D

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anyone tried one of these?



Nice unit, bright, reliable etc....


But if you read the ad the projector comes with no lens! The lens comes in at over £900 extra!(and that's just for the long throw, a short throw or mid range zoom will cost significantly more!!!)


Also you would be looking at £200-£300 for the mounting kit (and much more if you want a security cage!) + £100-£200 for wiring kit and wall plate...


And on top of all this you would have to budget for the installation itself...(unless you want to do it yourself... ...for free!!)


So all in all you may need to re-asess your budget and requirements...


Hope this helps :)


Yes, that helps thanks. I was in a real rush yesterday morning and missed the lack of lens!

As we already have an adjustable cradle, I was thinking of not bothering with the wiring and mounting kits for the time being. I want to get the best unit (and lens) I can, and worry about 'periferals' at a later stage. I need to spend this money quickly before it goes away!

Can anyone suggest a decent unit for £1900 incl VAT + delivery? Projectors aren't my strong point.


Thanks! :blink:

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Have a look at Eiki - they come off the same production line as Sanyo (and I'm told go through more stringent testing) but cost less than their Sanyo equivalents. I bought a 7k lumen Eiki last year - that particular model will be out of your budget but it's a great projector so I'm sure the lower models will be worth looking at too.
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Hi There


We are selling off Ex Rental units at the moment - I'm sure that we'll have something available in this price range - 5000ansi lumens + - 1 chip DLP units & above.


Get in touch if you'd like to discuss further.


Thanks. ken.

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I have just purchased an EIKI LC-XL100 which is brilliant.


As I'm touring I wanted something that will be reliable, and versatile, as I would be going to a mix of venues. The build quality is excellent and the unit feels made of sturdy material. The image is great, bright and clear. The projector is full of options and inputs.


With the standard lens you get excellent zoom length, lens shift in all four directions, keystone in both vertical and horizontal, corner correction, which means I can create any variation of image shape or size by moving what will be the corner of the image !! It comes with an inbuilt mechanical shutter that can be controlled with the remote.


I also brought the Fixed Short Throw Lens, which means I can fill a 14ft wide 16:9 screen with only 4.05meters of throw, which I don't think I've got such a large image over such a small distance !!


I spent £1990 on it, (plus another £1,123 on the lens).


Hope this helps.

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The Sanyo XM100 is a really nice unit and you get a lot for your money. The lens costing 900 is nonsense, effectively a standard lens costs around 100 as thats pretty much the difference in price between a unit with or without the lens, its non standard lenses that cost the money, but they are a bit cheaper than youd pay for other units.

You should however remember that a projector is useless without a decent mounting and signal cables, so id allow 300 to cover this and if you wish to flightcase it you wont get change from 200.00. from that point of view id suggest your budget is slightly tight,

therefore id suggest looking at the xu106, not the 116 as suggested earlier as they are optically idential but the 116 has wireless which is a feature thats a bit useless in theatre so unless you eally need it, you can save 200.00. we have got 6 in hire stock and have installed a fair few and for whats basically a desktop unit pretty decent. The lens has a range of 1.15 ~1.85:1 which is wider than most peoples wide zooms and covers a good range, its also probably the best ratio for theatre as its wide enough to consider back projection and the ratios about right to fill the back of stage from inside the prosc.. probably the best feature is the corner keystone which allows fairly advanced geometric correction.

so for all those times you cant rig the unit where you want to, you can sort it out after.


obviously we sell these things and id be happy to quote, but id expect that you could get a xu106, spare lamp, flightcase and a box of cable well within your budget.





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