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Operators Licence and Hiring Vehicles


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I've been a bit dim here and I didn't realise that when we hired a vehicle it needed to be covered by our operators licence. I'm not sure why I thought that because actually it makes perfect sense that it is. Problem is though that variations to an operators licence take 9 weeks to go through and I need an 18 tonne truck for the first week of May (election marquees going up everywhere).


Does anybody know of a hirer who act as "the operator"?


Or does anybody know anybody near Berkshire who will work as an owner driver of an 18 tonne truck for a couple of days?





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You've got no chance im afraid.


As an operator holder and the owner of a haulage firm I can say that unless you get an owner driver your out of luck.


Even if you did have an "O" licence you would still need enough "authorisation" (A spare space on your licence) for this hired vehicle.






None the less, I've sent you a PM but I thought I'd include a response on here for the masses.





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Hi Dodge,


Yeah we need an owner driver. We have applied today for a change to our restricted licence to allow us to have up to 18T vehicles and to have more than two of them operating from our base but that won't help us for this job.


Anybody know any owner drivers of 18T trucks in Berkshire?



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Probably stating the obvious here, but would it not be possible for you to "break" the load down into smaller parts to fit into several 7.5 tonner trucks say? I would have thought you are far more likely to find owner/operator drivers of 7.5t vehicles that 18 tonners - especially at this late stage?



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Is it possible to hire a truck and driver from a big haulier and pay the company for the driver and the truck so it then becomes the hauliers responsibility to have the licences. One of the biggest fleets seems to have Eddie Stobart writen large upon the trucks. Ring Stobart get some pickups made at your place and delivered to your client's site. You will never have enough trucks to cover your peak workload -it's not cost effective for one thing.
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Is it possible to hire a truck and driver from a big haulier and pay the company for the driver and the truck so it then becomes the hauliers responsibility to have the licences. One of the biggest fleets seems to have Eddie Stobart writen large upon the trucks. Ring Stobart get some pickups made at your place and delivered to your client's site. You will never have enough trucks to cover your peak workload -it's not cost effective for one thing.



Having spoken to the OP regarding this as it's something we cover, going to somewhere like Eddie Stobart is just silly money. Stobart won't even touch companies like this. Unless it's Tesco, Sainsburys or something like that, they won't even quote you.


A hiring company running trucks is NOT cost effective, however there are firms out there and being honest, Im one of them who focuses on the events industry and therefore able to slash prices and be able to hold the knowledge of the way our world works.


You won't get an Eddie Stobard driver sat outside a venue doing something called a "get out".




Mods: I hope It doesn't seem like im trying to promote anything on my side. Just giving the facts.

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With the OP in a business situation that needs trucks on a specific date the a contract hire of truck with driver is looking very likely. There are several companies that would hire him a truck and driver by the day, you being one of them, Stobart being another, also add others I don't yet know of. BUT the licences are not in place to do it the cheap way, bit the job must still be done.
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Hi all,


Thanks for all the replies and advice by PM.


I think the plan will be to just have more people on site and operate our 7.5 Tonne as a bit of a ferry service.


Might all change again though!



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Paul Mathews and alike all tend to sub out work anyway!


No point going to national firms like this when they pass the work down onto smaller companies. They charge a bomb because they are only interested in doing big tour work.


Same goes for Eddie Stobart, Destringangle, Mrs etc etc.




For future reference and clarification: If your going to hire a truck, ensure you have room on your O licence. If your going to get a firm to do the work for you, make sure it is a company that specialises in our industry and can charge accordingly.




End of.

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^^ Correct!


Is there a register of people with O Licences that we can access? Because I'm pretty sure a couple of our competitors who hire 7.5T trucks do not have one. Which annoys me greatly....

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Southern Van Lines are another entertainment orientated transport company who might be worth trying. We often use them for transport and temporary storage. They are based in Belvedere in kent.



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^^ Correct!


Is there a register of people with O Licences that we can access? Because I'm pretty sure a couple of our competitors who hire 7.5T trucks do not have one. Which annoys me greatly....



If you happen to know their postcode/operating name and you accidentaly click the following link then I don't know anything about any O licence..........Do not click here

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