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What to see at PLASA?


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The highend stand, at the back next to clay paky and pulsar was pretty impressive. Theyve got there DL1's set up and there demonstrating that. Wasnt to impressed with the martin stand, oh, and dont ask for a demonstration of the 400K flood, if you find the stand, (its on the edge near some toilets....that thing gives you a huge headache afterwards!
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Desks: Jands Vista, now working properly. Zero88 Frog2, Chamsys MagicQ, Compulite Dlite, ETC Congo, High End iPC, all still in various stages of beta, but all look quite promising. Maxxyz has a PC version coming out soon, as does Hog III.


Dimming: Strand had some interesting products for the architectural range - they output pure DMX so you can plug them straight through to the dimmers. Cheap-ish too. How un-strand.


Fixtures: Clay Paky Alpha range, VL 3500


LEDs: AC Lighting ChromaQ Color Block is very impressive, MultiLEDs on the top floor have an impressive stand, and I particularly liked the installation above ?Essential's stand.

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Wednesday will be my first visit to the show, and I am looking forward to it - however I thought I would just ask if anyone has any tips on how to view the show in the best possible way.


I dont think I will be there all day, and certainly want to see as much as possible.


Is there a logical order in which to view the stands? Also are there many freebies flying about...if so whats the best way of obtaining them?? (sorry if the answer is a simple 'ask' - I don't know!)



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Is there a logical order in which to view the stands?

I simply get a copy of the catalogue and then quickly zip-zag up and down each isle, marking on the map every stand I want to go back and see. Takes about 45 minutes. Then grab a coffee and then go back and visit people in a sensible order.


So if you see anyone with an open catalogue and a high-light marker walking up and down, that'll be me.

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The logic I generally use is to firstly have a good walk around, popping in on stands that grab my attention. I generally do downstairs first (as thats where you go in) and then head upstairs. Once I've done that, I'll head over to the LeMaitre stand (upstairs) and watch a demo, then start going around the stands taking time to talk to people about products or projects I have in mind.

With regard to freebees, you're best bet is to pop around stands and see whats lying out on tables in piles - people like GrandMA have notebooks and pens, Avolites have their (obligitory) bags, Martin have product guides and lanyards, in a black bag you can take away. Most stands have something, but unless they have a huge budget they won't be giving them out to every Tom Dick or Harry. Try not to think of PLASA as a freebee gathering exercise, and then when you get freebees it feels a lot better. Besides, some of the companies who have large freebees could do with spending more developing their products !!!

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if anyone has any tips on how to view the show in the best possible way?



I always have a quick look round first to get my bearings and to see if anything catches my eye for a closer look and then I go visit the stands I know or people I know and finally go and visit the stands that caught my eye in my quick recce.


I personally was swept away by James Thomas engineering's Pixel drive system. What a fantastic concept and idea and they were really keen to talk about it too.

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Having been there for the last two days, heres my 2p. (although can't remember stand numbers - look in the catalogue)


Specialz (upperdeck) - Dimmable florescent tube ballasts with NO flicker

Amptown - just to sample the travelling bar

Digico - for the D1 and the chance to win the USB watch

Soundcraft (Not spirit) - new range of small mixers

RNID (upperdeck) - just because everyone should.

High end - very impressive


Apart from that, there was nothing really outstanding although it was good to catch up with people. Avoid the DJ area at all costs!


For those who go later in the day, may I suggest going to the after show bar after 6pm (upperdeck) as that has had a great selection of people to meet.

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Yep, go to the Martin Stand for the free drinks and for a Maxyzz Demo, the Frog II was worth looking at, The Jands Vista (great desk!) is deffiently worth a look as well!! Ohh and you cant beat pizza express for lunch!


Really loved the vista- thought it was v clever and user friendly. The avo lights stand is big! They had a big LED screen with AVO on. I like the star cloth at the back as well that was cheasy yet cool! Did anyone stay for the innovation awards last night.


Got 10 lanyards now and a desk piled full of brochures (2 martin bags full to be precise). Ohh also got a very cool swipe card holer for gigs from Martin.



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The avo lights stand is big! They had a big LED screen with AVO on. I like the star cloth at the back as well that was cheasy yet cool!Sam

That, was not actually a screen, but lots of james thomas Pixle lines, controled by a D4, it used 6000 DMX channels and was programed from AVI using Avos new generation tool.


Kal - who is not employed by Avo.... anymore

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