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Hanging a projector in a marquee


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Hi all,


I have a client who would like to project onto a screen hung at the gable end of a marquee from a projector hung in the roof.


I can use Kader clamps to create mounting points but all of these would be in the same horizontal plane which presents a problem.


Has any body ever hung a projector in a marquee? Is something available to hire?



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I have seen projectors hung in marquees (clearspan from 9-24m) several different ways.


Two things are common to them all:

1) However much you line it up, the wind will try and mess with it.

2) You need to take advice from the marquee supplier on the loading available (I know this is you in this instance though)


I have seen small projectors flown in 9m marquees by the following method: 2 kader clamps, 2 spansets + shackles, 1m piece of trilite, flown perpendicular to ridge. Steel wire from the truss to to an eye, one bay further back along the ridge. Steel wire to the eye above the truss as a safety. Projector mounted on bottom of truss. This method may also be suitable for 6m marquees if you have enough headroom.


I have seen a (much larger) projector flown in a 24m marquee, using a piece of trilite a little longer than two bays, parallel to the ridge. This used three spansets and six kader clamps, kader's fixed close to the ridge.

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HI Yorkie,


Thanks for the reply. Yes, I know about my load bearings in ma tents but well done for pointing it out to anyone else reading the topic :)


This is a 9m structure and I think the idea of putting in a piece of trilite running perpendicular to the ridge and flown using Kader clamps, spansets and shakles (as well as safeties) will work lovely!





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I've done it a lot and have always managed to shift my rigging point onto the lighting company, or who is ever doing the truss. Bearing in mind that you are going to want a clear run between projector and screen, this may impact on the lighting/sound design so its best to ask them to incorporate it rather than just turn up on the day and expect things to be moved. (unless of course your doing the whole show)


The tri-lite is the best way to go, depending on what size projector you want to hang, I have used a unicol hanging frame with a longer pole and just turned the clamped 90 degrees for small a small projector


as an aside, its good to remember that most of the truss will be used for lighting & power so be wary not to end up with your signal cables under 10 miles of power cables. Only to find at the end you have interference on your signal.


oh and +1 to the wind

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Hi Jazz,


We're rigging it all so not a problem and the truss will be being used solely for this projector. All good points for other people thought! :angry:





Cool maybe others can file under 'getting other people to do your job' :P

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