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Stuck with choice of DMX lighting control for mac, any help please?


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Hi people I have seen a few different threads regarding this on here but most we discussing pc based software.


What I am after is a control software for mac that either has the hardware with it or is compatable with hardware, such as a DMX interface. I would also need it to be able to support midi. I have around £500 to spend on both the software and the hardware, any ideas?


Can someone also help me, I would be running Qlab for my sound cues and would like to start running this for my lightiung cues, now this is somethiong I have never but is this easy to do and would I need certain software to be compatable with Qlab?


if someone can help me with this it would be great


Thanks people

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You could just dual boot your MAC with bootcamp to make it compatable with all windows software, or there is some software around for the MAC including a free piece availiable here:


Chroma Kinetics - This should be good for simple control but would need modification for it to work with Qlab

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Looks good I will look more into this one I am running paralels on my mac with windows 7 but would prefer to run the DMX software on OSX just for ease of use. What hardware would I need to interface thiis?


If anyone knows of any other mac software I can look into that would be great.


thanks again

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Try MagicQ by Chamsys.


The software is free, you can get an Entech USB to DMX dongle for under £100 and if you like the software the do control surfaces from around £1500 up to full desks.

The software is the same throughout the range and is at least as powerful as any of the bigger brands (AVO, MA, Hog etc).

You can also purchase a midi interface to trigger cues automatically.

Oh and of course it's available in PC, Mac AND Linux so whichever OS floats your boat you can still use MagicQ.


3 years ago I started out with a small MagicQ PC wing, in addition to that I know own the larger PC wing, a full desk and expansion wing and am considering purchasing another desk very soon. The support you get form Chamsys is better than any other company I've ever used and the products are top quality, I cannot reccommend them highly enough.

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thanks tvi675 and Adza. I think I will be purchasing it from enttec them selfs I never had any problem with thonnman but its more expencive and is listed under the name of "ARKAOS" now I dont think if this is the same as the enttec DMX pro either.


tvi675 this is one probably best amied at you, I am looking at running this with magicq is this totally compatable and will be a plug and play job?

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LCedit+ is runs natively on the mac and its "interface" (actually the brains of the thing) has midi (which we use to trigger cues from our sound computer).


Because it's actually the "interface" does all the work, once the show is setup, you don't need the software running.


Not the most intuitive software in the world but it fits all the criteria you've stated, the software is free so you download it now and try it out.



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Hi back_ache thanks for that, I will be trying this as well. Does this only run with the lanbox interface or are there other interfaces it will run with like the enttec DMX pro or any other interface?


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looking at this I may even be better off with the lanbox does anyone know what software for mac I can run with this or does it just support Lcredit?

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Hi back_ache thanks for that, I will be trying this as well. Does this only run with the lanbox interface or are there other interfaces it will run with like the enttec DMX pro or any other interface?


No, it can't work with anything else.


This is because the Lanbox is in effect a lighting console without a control surface(which is what the software does).


Once the show is setup you don't need a computer as you can send triggers to the lan box via midi or closed contact (from footswitches or whatever).


looking at this I may even be better off with the lanbox does anyone know what software for mac I can run with this or does it just support Lcredit?


Though I think you should make your decision based on its native software, they are working on firmware to make it an artnet node (receiving 1 universe or outputting 4)

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Right I am with you now, is this something you have done? Is there any controllers or swiches you can recommened?


I prosume any that are midi will be ok? I have a midi controller keyboard so if I was to use this with the lanbox running lcredit, pnce I had a show set up I could cue the lx cues from each key on my midi controller keyboard?

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Right I am with you now, is this something you have done? Is there any controllers or swiches you can recommened?


I prosume any that are midi will be ok? I have a midi controller keyboard so if I was to use this with the lanbox running lcredit, pnce I had a show set up I could cue the lx cues from each key on my midi controller keyboard?


If your keyboard can send the appropriate message, off the top of my head the messages are in Midi show control format rather than note-on/note-off, according to wikipedia, qlab that you originally mentioned can send these kinds of message

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