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Fight Directors


Fight Directors  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you ever been told that there is an Equity 'rule' restricting theatre management to hire Equity registered fight directors?

    • No. I have always been told an employer can hire anyone who is competent to direct fights
    • Yes, I have been told that Equity registered fight directors have to be hired if an Equity actor is engaged in a production.

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There is a some misinformation about fight directing in the UK. There has never been a 'rule' that you must hire an Equity registered fight director. If you would like to confirm that, please speak to a member of staff at Equity.


Theatre management has never been required to engage a Equity fight director. Nor has it has it in the past ever been Equity policy to restrict theatre management to hire only Equity fight directing register members. Equity is an enlightened modern union, not a guild, and has no interest in controlling the marketplace. The Equity guidelines only require that management/producers hire someone competent to safely stage fights, which certainly includes the few people on the Equity list.


Just last year (2009) the wording of the Equity/TMA/SOLT agreement was updated to clarify this, and to remove the practice of informing Equity when a ex-register fight director was hired. It was felt this wording may seem to encourage anti-competitive practices (such as closed shop practices) which does not reflect Equity's practice or ethos.


Other myths dispelled:

-Equity does not provide, in the general members benefits, comprehensive liability insurance covering all fight directing activities.

-Nor does a listing on the Equity fight director's register constitute a qualification. Equity does not issue qualifications.


Furthermore, the Equity fight directors register is certainly not a comprehensive list of all UK fight directors. In fact, new membership is currently restricted to high level fencing instructors- so it is not likely to include many of the new practitioners of stage combat.


HSE documentation on stunts and fights can be found at: http://www.met.police.uk/filmunit/document...unts_fights.pdf


I'd be happy to answer any further questions on the topic of fight directing.


Tim Klotz

Qualified Fight Director- FDC


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Hi Tim and welcome to the Blue Room.


Since the end of the close shop in the 80's a lot of the Equity employment "rules" have continued as myth only. That said, they are not a bad thing in that they do keep (or try to keep) management honest.


Do you have a particular gripe with Equity?


On the subject of qualifications - what is yours? The FDC seems to be a Canadian organisation so what would the UK equivalent be?


The HSE document is useful and informative. It does, of course, state only the need for a competent person and does not specify any particular qualification.


With my mods hat on - while a discussion about the whys and wherefores of fight directors would be interesting, please be careful that it does not become a plug for your company and it's services - something which members have in the past taken offence at.



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Tim, welcome to TBR.


I do wonder what caused you to post this, I have never heard it said the Equity fight directors had to be employed, as you say anyone can call themselves a fight director. Having said that so long as people are putting word like 'safe' 'industry standard' 'competent' on risk assesments then they will be keen to engage people who are on the register.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Tom,


I don't have any problems with Equity! I am a very active member of Equity. I serve on the Equity New Media Working party and often visit Guild House. On this fight directing issue I was welcomed by the senior management team in my enquiries. I brought my concerns along with the concerns of a significant number of stage combat professionals to Equity staff in 2008 about the fight directing issue.


No complaints or grievances were filed. Those of us with concerns included fight directors from many different backgrounds; some were members of the Equity FD register. The profession of fight directing is (ironically) more interested in harmony than conflict. Equity immediately began a review of the issue, which is still current. Equity staff were initially in a shocked state of disbelief about the misinformation flying about. They set about reviewing the Fight Director's contract and have updated the language in the contract to clarify any misinformation with theatre management.


They were very supportive and prompt in clarifying Equity's position. That is, the union exists principally to improve pay and conditions for all it's members. Equity does not issue qualifications, nor seek in any way to control the marketplace. Equity does not decide who works and who doesn't. It was also made clear that Equity was not interested in projecting that sort of 'closed shop' image.


One reason the HSE Fights document refers to 'competence' and not 'qualification' may be due to a technicality. Hold on to your hats, because this gets a little Orwellian. Technically, UK Equity FD register members are not 'qualified'. That's because Equity is (as above) not a qualifying body. Equity does not issue qualifications or certificates. Nor do other UK stage combat bodies (BADC/BASSC) have a qualification at the fight directing level. I have been told by Equity staff on a number of occasions that a union register of any sort is a list. As far as I know, the UK does not currently have qualifying body for fight directing.


Canada is different. The FDC (since you ask) is the largest and oldest certifying stage combat body in Canada. An certified/qualified FDC Fight Director is eligible to join Canadian Actors Equity's Fight Directors Register. I am not registered with CAE (as I don't work that market) but I am an FDC qualified FD.


This, ironically, makes me one of the few qualified fight directors living and working in the UK. I will of course be the first to praise my many highly competent UK colleagues. I can only say that, alas, there is no body that qualifies/certifies them on this side of the pond. Anyway, the HSE document is using inclusive language that covers these subtleties of qualification/certification/competence.


And in reply to your moderating comments;

1. It would be great to discuss the in's and out's of fight directing collaboration within the production team.

2. I will do my best to answer anyone's questions on fight direction. If I don't know the answer I will find it.

3. I will of course not use this list to beat the bushes for more work or 'plug' my company.



Tim Klotz



Hi Tim and welcome to the Blue Room.


Since the end of the close shop in the 80's a lot of the Equity employment "rules" have continued as myth only. That said, they are not a bad thing in that they do keep (or try to keep) management honest.


Do you have a particular gripe with Equity?


On the subject of qualifications - what is yours? The FDC seems to be a Canadian organisation so what would the UK equivalent be?


The HSE document is useful and informative. It does, of course, state only the need for a competent person and does not specify any particular qualification.


With my mods hat on - while a discussion about the whys and wherefores of fight directors would be interesting, please be careful that it does not become a plug for your company and it's services - something which members have in the past taken offence at.



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